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George yeo says chinese in sinkie should go back to china as its now a superpower and all chinese are proud of its achievement.

syed putra

A closet communist and he was a minister under PAP. A malay umno guy would end up in jail under ISA. That is a huge gap how PAP treat different races.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

In this episode, as a true spiritual guy, I wanna reveal the most of our Lee Kuan Yew.


In the early 1980s, a Chinese girl and a Malay boy namely Agnes Ng Siew Heok and Ghazali bin Marzuki were kidnaped and taken to Singapore Buddhist Youth Mission located in Clementi by Adrian & co for the former PM. LKY and his close political friends to celebrate rituals of human sacrifice, drinking of human blood, as well as sexual perversion. The children were finally suffocated to death after the rituals. This ceremony was to bring more super-natural power for the then PM. Lee Kwan Yew.


Lee Kuan Yew was a bi-sexual as he raped both Agnes and Ghazali as they were drugged with narcotics. These two kids were just reached their puberty for LKY to deflower them. After raping the Chinese girl and sodomizing the Malay boy, LKY stabbed them with knife and squeezed the youth to suck blood ( ) while they were still alive. Upon the blood drinking session was over, they were suffocated to death. After this murder, LKY took off and vacationed in Langkawi, Malaysia to get rid of his own guilty conscious. 100% . . .


Apparently, LKY secretly employed Adrian Lim, a Taoist medium to perform this ritual. The two dead-bodies of the victims were found between Block 10 and 11, Toa Payoh Lorong 7. They appeared to have fresh cuts in their bodies for taking the blood for drinking and were sodomised, sexually abused before they were suffocated to death. While the real murderer was LKY but Adrian Lim was well bribed to take the murder charges himself along with his wife and his mistress

During the days of the trial, crowds of people gathered outside the courts, and the proceedings were closely monitored and reported by the media. On 25 November 1988, the trio Adrian Lim, Catherine Tan Mui Choo, and Hoe Kah Hong were hanged at Changi prison.
For this crime, LKY should have been given capital punishment if law is enforced here.
Law maker cannot be a law breaker/
☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:☆ .
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

LKY was evil but he showed some predominant manly gestures which we could NOT see in any 3G, 4G PAP politicians in SG. That s why people do not want to look up to them in a real-life scenario.

None of the MPs in SG is a good speaker with the elocution skills. They have written down the notes in papers and then they simply reading it out like a parrot. LKY was an exception. They should be able to hold impromptu conversations at any moment. MPs should be able to articulate and speak in the parliament setting at least as public speaking in SG is limited.

But I do NOT count one 3G or 4G leader who is good enough to speak up. I also disgusted to see ministers weeping and shedding tears. in the parliament. Parliament is not the place for such drama. It is the place to speak out. If they cannot control such emotions, they can't make prudent decisions for the nation.

They are not professional enough as they supposed to minister unto citizens, NOT to take ministership.
Ministers in SG are showing lordship over its citizens. That is not democracy

Democracy is a Government of People, For the People and By the People. But such ideal definition won't work in SG until we strive to bring Meritocracy.

Meritocracy is the only option left to debunk the autocrats and bureaucrats

Meritocracy means the those who run for the elections must be talented enough to campaign and showcase their inner values before elected.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Ask George Yeo why they pangsai on street if they have 5000 yr culture??
peasants are mostly those who pangsai in the open. over 6.9k years ago when they were looking for enrichment of the soil for various crops on the same old plots of land they realized sai was a great fertilizer, thus “night soil” was collected daily from everywhere in and around farms, inhouses, outhouses, dirt roads, bushes, vegetation patches. every peasant and their wives and kids were encouraged to let one go without hesitation wherever they were, including meal times for kids. can shit don’t wait.


When it comes to controlling the lives of Sinkies he prefer the Commies ways, yet he luv the US dollars in his Bank account. Thnk Goodness to bad rubbish, the Aljunied voters kick him out.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Is he retarded ?

if NOT retarded....................PAP WON'T want him liao..................less he becomes a threat.................

go back to China ?..................why people left in the 1st place ?...............the real unemployment rate is over 25%...................depression level liao


Super Moderator
Georgie boy, O’ Georgie boy…
