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Chitchat GEM flying tiger 3 theme song


For male gui kio is JJ Lin. The more you listen the more you get it.
Imuho tried too hard to reach high notes and twisting among notes with attempt to convert Chinese lyrics to amdk tone are the caused of spoiling songs and become a ghost song. Songwriters and singers should take note.
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For male gui kio is JJ Lin. The more you listen the more you get it.
Imuho tried too hard to reach high notes and twisting among notes with attempt to convert Chinese lyrics to amdk tone are the caused of spoiling songs and become a ghost song. Songwriters and singers should take note.


Happy New Year.

Yes, I liked her songs and dances too.
She performed this song in another version,
Live concert hip-hop style.
It was amazing.
The dances and grooves.



Bhai my uncle like .
My uncle also like this


Guess who is this elite special forces Flying Black Panther ?

A Sniper.

2021-12-31 (3).png


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
What sort of rubbish is this?

If you want good music you need to listen to Ang Moh singers.
