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Gahmen say it’s not even a partial lockdown


SINGAPORE — The Government has alerted the public of false rumours going around that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong would make an announcement on Friday (April 17) night about an impending “partial lockdown”.

The fake message that has been circulating, purportedly from the Prime Minister’s Office, said the partial lockdown will see Singapore split into four sectors, and people are not allowed to travel out of the region they live in. It claimed that the military and the police will be “enforcing” this lockdown.

Government website Gov.sg said this is untrue, as it urged the public not to spread unverified information.

“To find out if Prime Minister Lee will be making a statement, please refer to government sources or PM Lee’s official social media platforms only,” Gov.sg said.

Referring to the fake message of a "partial lockdown", Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin in a Facebook post called for a stop to the spreading of false news.

“The stuff going around is pure nonsense. These actions are deliberate and it’s dangerous to play these tricks during these times,” he said.

“I hope we track down those who are responsible for generating this and also sharing the fake news."


Alfrescian (Inf)
Totalitarian regimes are obsessed about 辟谣 ('rumour crushing') instead of letting their citizens discern for themselves. :rolleyes:


If only that fucker Pinky comes out to make daily live updates and face the public instead of making occasional videos from his office, there would be no such rumours circulating.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
A very recent and popular Chinese saying :

谣言就是遥遥领先的预言......rumors are imminent prophecies.
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