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Fumio Kishida to lose his PM job soon

Byebye Penis


Approval of Japan PM Kishida's gov't hits new low​




Byebye Penis


Japan Decides To Stay In Russia's Sakhalin-1 Energy Project​


ExxonMobil, which held a 30% stake in Sakhalin-1, announced in March that it would withdraw from the project. But after vacillating for more than half a year, Japan decided not to follow in Exxon's footsteps.

Meanwhile, Russia set up a new company to take over the project under a presidential decree that has in effect forced investors to choose sides. Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is a stakeholder in Tokyo-based Sakhalin Oil and Gas Development -- which owns 30% of Sakhalin-1's current operator - along with other investors including Itochu, Japan Petroleum Exploration and Marubeni.

The Japanese consortium will make a final decision on whether to stay invested in the project after discussions with other stakeholders.

Why does this matter? Well, back in may, the G-7 nations decided to ban imports of Russian crude oil. Although the G-7 did not decide on a time frame, saying only that the ban will be enforced in a "timely and orderly fashion," Japan's continued participation in Sakhalin-1 would go against the consensus among fellow G-7 members.

In short, Japan would be the first "western" nation to officially breach the anti-Russia alliance.
