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Fucking CCPee released dam with no warning and flooded road within 5 mins.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
无聊先生 report to Satan @Devil Within your human carcass leg soup is ready... Mort Rd stall...
See how retarded a traitor you are? Your CCP master emperor Xi killing so many China Chinese and you still open your backside big big for him to keep poking your ass deep deep. LOL!...
No wonder your mother, wife, sisters, and daughters all beg me to fuck them deep deep. LOL!....



Strong water proofing, electric scooter still going strong under water.​


See how retarded a traitor you are? Your CCP master emperor Xi killing so many China Chinese and you still open your backside big big for him to keep poking your ass deep deep. LOL!...
No wonder your mother, wife, sisters, and daughters all beg me to fuck them deep deep. LOL!....
Tan Wah Tiu, pls reply and follow up