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Posted on 08 Sep 2011
Even Changi's business class check-in is not safe from thieves: Laptop gone in 15min
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Wrote the STOMPer about the incident (Sep 8):
"Laptop stolen at Changi Airport T2 while getting boarding pass.
"On Monday morning (Sep 5), my laptop bag was stolen right out of our luggage trolley while my spouse was engaged with the check-in staff, and I was distracted by my toddler son.
"This happened at Changi Airport T2, Row 4 (Singapore Airlines, Business Class Check-in).
"And it happened during the 15mins while my spouse was talking to the check-in-counter staff.
"The check-in staff member and the other staff member sitting beside her, said that they did not see anything suspicious.
"I was hoping that the many surveillance cameras in the airport would pick-up the thief who stole my laptop bag as I alerted the airport authorities within 15 minutes (had to run down to the Arrival Hall information counter to do this as the check-in staff cannot alert them on my behalf).
"By the time the police came, it was almost 45 minutes after the theft. So much for hoping to catch the thief before he/she left the airport.
"I also found out that not all the surveillance cameras are accessible by the police or the airport management. I wonder why.
"In the meanwhile, I am resetting the accounts of mine which were stored on the laptop.
"Wish I had encrypted my laptop data, and also backed-up the data.
"A good friend reminded me that 'low crime does not mean no crime'.
"So, fellow STOMPers, we should not be complacent because we are in a safe country and in a 'high security area' like the airport."
Even Changi's business class check-in is not safe from thieves: Laptop gone in 15min
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Wrote the STOMPer about the incident (Sep 8):
"Laptop stolen at Changi Airport T2 while getting boarding pass.
"On Monday morning (Sep 5), my laptop bag was stolen right out of our luggage trolley while my spouse was engaged with the check-in staff, and I was distracted by my toddler son.
"This happened at Changi Airport T2, Row 4 (Singapore Airlines, Business Class Check-in).
"And it happened during the 15mins while my spouse was talking to the check-in-counter staff.
"The check-in staff member and the other staff member sitting beside her, said that they did not see anything suspicious.
"I was hoping that the many surveillance cameras in the airport would pick-up the thief who stole my laptop bag as I alerted the airport authorities within 15 minutes (had to run down to the Arrival Hall information counter to do this as the check-in staff cannot alert them on my behalf).
"By the time the police came, it was almost 45 minutes after the theft. So much for hoping to catch the thief before he/she left the airport.
"I also found out that not all the surveillance cameras are accessible by the police or the airport management. I wonder why.
"In the meanwhile, I am resetting the accounts of mine which were stored on the laptop.
"Wish I had encrypted my laptop data, and also backed-up the data.
"A good friend reminded me that 'low crime does not mean no crime'.
"So, fellow STOMPers, we should not be complacent because we are in a safe country and in a 'high security area' like the airport."