• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

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Free to return does not mean free from arrest.


Alfrescian (Inf)
A bird does not return to its cage, a dog does not return to its vomit.

Stay away from Sinkieland. Lee Wei Ling will understand.


Old Fart
:biggrin: :biggrin::biggrin:


Mr Lee Hsien Yang can return to Singapore, if he chooses to.

Although, what he had done by absconding is a slap to our Judiciary process, he did not commit murder, hurt or harm to others. Within our Justice system, even a criminal can be PARDONED if there are sufficient weightage to do so - by our ELECTED President.

Justice is blind - it fears or favors NONE. And NONE is above the Rule of Law. The Rule of Law may be harsh, in order to serve as a deterrence to criminals, it must be tempered with compassion, for the remorseful.

However, our ELECTED President is NOT the Chief Justice, & thus the powers of pardon lays with him.

Ultimately, Mr Lee Hsien Yang must face up to what he had done, however, in such times such as the passing of beloved fellow Singaporean - Mdm Lee Wei Ling - no less than the only daughter of our respected Founder the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, whom had fought, sacrificed & much for our todays, an invitation by our ELECTED President would grant him the IMMUNITY he needs, to pay his final respects, & be at peace for both him & his sister.

That immunity can be done in such a way that entails a win - win solution for all. The invitation from the ELECTED President, backed & empowered by fellow Singaporean citizens, will last for 3 days, after which, if he is still in Singapore, he would be invited by SPF for the interview that they sought.

We Singaporeans are not heartless creatures......


Mr Lee Hsien Yang can return to Singapore, if he chooses to.

Although, what he had done by absconding is a slap to our Judiciary process, he did not commit murder, hurt or harm to others. Within our Justice system, even a criminal can be PARDONED if there are sufficient weightage to do so - by our ELECTED President.

Justice is blind - it fears or favors NONE. And NONE is above the Rule of Law. The Rule of Law may be harsh, in order to serve as a deterrence to criminals, it must be tempered with compassion, for the remorseful.

However, our ELECTED President is NOT the Chief Justice, & thus the powers of pardon lays with him.

Ultimately, Mr Lee Hsien Yang must face up to what he had done, however, in such times such as the passing of beloved fellow Singaporean - Mdm Lee Wei Ling - no less than the only daughter of our respected Founder the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, whom had fought, sacrificed & much for our todays, an invitation by our ELECTED President would grant him the IMMUNITY he needs, to pay his final respects, & be at peace for both him & his sister.

That immunity can be done in such a way that entails a win - win solution for all. The invitation from the ELECTED President, backed & empowered by fellow Singaporean citizens, will last for 3 days, after which, if he is still in Singapore, he would be invited by SPF for the interview that they sought.

We Singaporeans are not heartless creatures......
How’s the stepmother narrative coming along? Fuck your step mother


How’s the stepmother narrative coming along? Fuck your step mother

It's from another thread, & INTENTIONALLY placed, for 24 hrs.

Each has free will, but free will is a power & such comes with responsibilities to others. Deduce what you will from it, regardless if you are a citizen or a foreigner. One is either part of the solution or part of the problems. It is as much as the insignificant nobody me will say.

All the best. :smile: