"The Hard Truths About Election 2011"!
Social Media popularity may not represent the majority silent voters
The Free Loaders who are bused from RCs/CCs to Rallies with lure of foods and souvenirs
The uncles and aunties who are not net savvy
High rallies turnout may not translate to votes
Every voter can be bought if the price is right
The hostages - fear of being blacklisted by businessmen, civil servants, etc
The Swing Voters - the Malay votes
The Footloose - Gen Y
Persistence rumors that voting is not secret
Dear Voters,
As we approach polling day on May 7, it imperative we take time to consolidate the gain make from alternative medias, rallies, house visits, etc to sit down with our family members, friends, colleagues, neighbors and fellow Singaporeans (go the the neighborhood coffee shops, etc) to connect, communicate and/or educate them the important of this watershed election 2011. This is and will be the only window of opportunity for us to change the status quo in parliament!
Make them aware that this election is about national issues such as high ministerial salary, high housing cost, high healthcare cost, lost of our CPF saving, overloading of our transportation infrastructure and most importance, the relentless influx of <a><b>Foreign Talents</b></a> that compete and take away our jobs and that of our children!
Put aside the temptation of free upgradings and other carrots offered by PAP candidates, for these are electioneering rhetoric that may not see fruition. Make them aware that price increases for buses, MRT, utilities, school fee, hospital and polyclinic charges, GST, etc are very likely without an effective opposition voice in parliament to check the PAP (because their salaries are directly linked to GDP!)
Also, CPF withdraw ages may further increased as there will be insufficient fund for withdrawing as more of us reach retirement age!
For the sake of our collective well-being, that of our children and their children. Convince them to put aside their reservations and vote in tandem with us for a secured future!
There may not be another chance with the relentless influx of new citizens!
2016 maybe too late!
Social Media popularity may not represent the majority silent voters
The Free Loaders who are bused from RCs/CCs to Rallies with lure of foods and souvenirs
The uncles and aunties who are not net savvy
High rallies turnout may not translate to votes
Every voter can be bought if the price is right
The hostages - fear of being blacklisted by businessmen, civil servants, etc
The Swing Voters - the Malay votes
The Footloose - Gen Y
Persistence rumors that voting is not secret
Dear Voters,
As we approach polling day on May 7, it imperative we take time to consolidate the gain make from alternative medias, rallies, house visits, etc to sit down with our family members, friends, colleagues, neighbors and fellow Singaporeans (go the the neighborhood coffee shops, etc) to connect, communicate and/or educate them the important of this watershed election 2011. This is and will be the only window of opportunity for us to change the status quo in parliament!
Make them aware that this election is about national issues such as high ministerial salary, high housing cost, high healthcare cost, lost of our CPF saving, overloading of our transportation infrastructure and most importance, the relentless influx of <a><b>Foreign Talents</b></a> that compete and take away our jobs and that of our children!
Put aside the temptation of free upgradings and other carrots offered by PAP candidates, for these are electioneering rhetoric that may not see fruition. Make them aware that price increases for buses, MRT, utilities, school fee, hospital and polyclinic charges, GST, etc are very likely without an effective opposition voice in parliament to check the PAP (because their salaries are directly linked to GDP!)
Also, CPF withdraw ages may further increased as there will be insufficient fund for withdrawing as more of us reach retirement age!
For the sake of our collective well-being, that of our children and their children. Convince them to put aside their reservations and vote in tandem with us for a secured future!
There may not be another chance with the relentless influx of new citizens!
2016 maybe too late!