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Frantic tiongs in Wuhan bracing for lockdown again.

syed putra

Xi cannot back down now or lose face. The virus must be exterminated by hook or by crook.
Or he is usng virus lockdowns as a excuse to prevent chinese nationals from travelling abroad,

Peace Maker

For anyone who is able to become such a powerful politician, is not easy and they are not that stupid as we think. There are many things in life that is need to know basis. A lot of hidden agenda not for the common people to know.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is Cultural Revolution 2.0, now improved with tech surveillance and under the pretext of quarantine lockdowns. It can happen to any town or any city, according to Winnie's whim. Those hazmat suit stormtroopers will be deployed. :cool:

The smarter Tiongs have fled and are not going back to their shithole. :wink:


I'm having a good laugh @ the tiongs merry go round!
This clearly shows XJP doesn't gives a shit of the mental health of his people. People will go crazy with all these endless lock downs..