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France 's 13-year-old muslim migrant tells cops, ‘I will go to jihad, I will join the Islamic State and blow up everything’



A copious record: false denunciation leading the judicial authority to useless research, apology for terrorism, contempt, identity theft, threats to commit a crime, disturbances of public order…

All in just over a month. An individual was arrested Thursday on rue Raymond-Comboul in Nice. He had been giving law enforcement a hard time since June. He was actually a 13-year-old minor…

Raid men on alert
On June 19, the municipal police received a worrying phone call. The caller asserts that he is holding his wife captive and holding her at gunpoint. He announced that he would kill her if “no ransom is paid”. The deployment begins.

The men of the Raid are put on alert. Several teams of national police go to Rue Marceau, to the address given by the “hostage-taker,” but find nothing. In the days that followed, the hostage-taker repeated his calls. It is not possible to locate him because he uses several telephone numbers. He calls the police in Arabic: “I will go to jihad,” or “I will join Daesh and blow up everything.”

This time he gives a name. Not his… but that of an old friend of his: a minor. Whose mother decided to file a complaint, thus allowing the launch of further investigations. Which will lead to the identification of a 13-year-old boy. He was taken into custody.