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France peaceful muslim stabs six people, takes out Quran and prays



Friday evening in Château-Thierry, a man wounded six people with a knife, his mother and his brother then four passers-by, before being overpowered by the police who used a firearm, indicated the prefecture and a source close to the file.
A knife attack left six injured in Château-Thierry on Friday evening. A man injured his mother and brother and then four passers-by, before being overpowered by the police who used firearms, said the prefecture and the prosecutor’s office in Soissons.
Hit in the leg, the defendant continued his run for 150 meters “before stopping to take a prayer mat and a Koran out of his bag,” then starting “to make incantations while kneeling, which allowed his arrest,” continued Julien Morino-Ros, the prosecutor of Soissons.
“All the victims have been taken care of and their lives are not in danger,” indicated the prefecture of Aisne on Twitter. The man, who was shot and wounded during his arrest, is also out of danger, a source familiar with the matter said.
Placed in police custody, the suspect, injured in the groin, was hospitalized, said the prosecutor, specifying that his injury did not put his life in danger, but required an operation during the day. The six victims, aged between 11 and 46, were taken care of in hospital, but their lives “are not in danger,” according to the prosecutor, “even if the condition of the younger brother of the suspect” requires “more intensive care.”
“Château-Thierry: Several injured in a knife attack, the aggressor neutralized by bullets by the police,” translated from “Château-Thierry : Plusieurs blessés dans une attaque au couteau, l’agresseur neutralisé par balles par la police,” Actu 17, October 8, 2022 (thanks to Medforth):

A young man injured six people with a knife, his mother, his brother then four passers-by, Friday evening in Château-Thierry, before being injured by police fire and arrested, said the prefecture and the prosecution of Soissons.
On Friday, around 10 p.m., “a 46-year-old woman and her 11-year-old son came to the police station” indicating that they “had been injured in the chest by stab wounds by the complainant’s son,” indicated the prosecutor of Soissons, Julien Morino-Ros, in a press release.
During this time, the 19-year-old individual “fled on foot towards the Marne, equipped with a backpack and armed with a knife,” added the prosecutor. On his way, he “attacked four people,” including a 13-year-old boy, he said. A police patrol then tried to arrest him, and the police had to “use their firearms several times after a knife was thrown in their direction.”
Hit in the leg, the defendant continued his run for 150 meters “before stopping to take a prayer mat and a Koran out of his bag,” then starting “to make incantations while kneeling, which allowed his arrest,” continued Julien Morino-Ros.
The national anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office “kept informed”
At this stage, the testimonies collected “do not mention any remarks suggesting an act linked to Islamist radicalization or claimed as such.” This person has not been the subject of “any conviction” and his behavior “does not appear, at this time, to have been the subject of alerts from the services of the state,” noted the prosecutor, specifying that “the national anti-terrorist prosecution” was “kept informed.”…


Southern france was under arabic berber rule in the 700's. The moorish cAstle near Nice still stand.

Practising islam and making prayer, should make a muslim more peaceful than a non practitioner? Why is islam called religion of peace when the practice has nothing to do with it?