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France: 'Peaceful' muslim migrants hurl racist insults, threaten to slit throats of traffic cops



Two men were arrested on Friday January 13, 2023 in the city center of Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique) after threatening and uttering racist insults against two public highway surveillance officers (ASVP).

At the beginning of the afternoon, as they were preparing to report a vehicle on the Place des Martyrs, they were attacked by the owner, accompanied by two other individuals.

Among other provocations and insults, this 34-year-old man attacked the skin color of the two agents: “Dirty negro, you’re really just a dirty negro.”

He also hit one of the two in the elbow.

A second member of the trio was more directly threatening: “there you are all alone, there is no police who are there, we will catch you, we will cut your throat.”

Municipal police called in reinforcement arrested the two troublemakers on the spot.

These two Moroccan nationals were taken into custody at the police station.

The owner of the car, a 34-year-old man, will be tried on Tuesday January 17, 2023 in an immediate appearance before the Saint-Nazaire criminal court.

The second, a 17-year-old minor, was the subject of a summons before the Public Prosecutor of Toulouse.

He was cared for by a reception structure for minors based in Nantes.