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France peaceful migrant muslim screams publicly ‘We must cut the throats of disbelievers,’ SG's muslims only dare to say it in their hearts.



A 21-year-old man from Bordeaux, already known for similar incidents, was arrested on Saturday, October 22, late in the afternoon. He was placed in police custody for “glorifying terrorism.”

His shouts frightened passers-by. On Saturday, October 22, around 6:30 p.m., in the main shopping street in the center of Bordeaux, rue Sainte-Catherine, still crowded a few minutes before the stores closed, a young man began to shout disturbing remarks. “Join the Islamic State!,“ “We must cut the throats of the disbelievers,” he cried.

Alerted, the police quickly intervened. Arrested and brought back to the central police station, the young man, a 21-year-old from Bordeaux from an uneventful family, was placed in police custody for “glorifying terrorism.” He was still there, this Sunday evening, October 23, his police custody having been extended.

His home was searched. No evidence of radicalization was found. However, computer hardware still needs to be analyzed. Already known for similar incidents, in 2019 and 2021, the young man must be the subject of a psychiatric examination before a possible referral to the prosecution, Monday, October 24, which will decide on the action to be taken.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All Muslims are the same in their beliefs. The only difference is that some are outspoken and honest about them, while others are reticent, shy and evasive about them.

Once you have accepted that Mohammed was an exemplary man and a role model, even naming many of your sons after him... it is pointless to have further discussions about the 'Religion of Peace'. :cool:


All Muslims are the same in their beliefs. The only difference is that some are outspoken and honest about them, while others are reticent, shy and evasive about them.

Once you have accepted that Mohammed was an exemplary man and a role model, even naming many of your sons after him... it is pointless to have further discussions about the 'Religion of Peace'. :cool:

MUIS islam is fake islam. A true muslim will never accept an infidel to be his national leader.

syed putra

A muslim who submit to religion and not to God is himself a lost cause.
Muslims claim they believe in god, but listens to priests and clerics which have no standings.