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France: Muslim migrant screams ‘Allahu akbar’, enters church and hits a parishioner in the middle of mass



A man in an advanced state of drunkenness was asleep in the Notre-Dame co-cathedral in Bourg-en-Bresse, where early Sunday mass was being celebrated.
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The man, an outsider, was awakened by the arrival of the participants in the service and began to shout. Some believers would have heard him say that it was “not his religion”, as well as “Allah akbar”.

She tries to bring him back to his senses​

A parishioner tried to bring him to his senses and asked him to leave the premises. But she was reportedly slapped before falling to the ground. The staggering homeless man also allegedly stepped on his foot.

The man was arrested by the municipal police before being handed over to the national police. He was placed in a sobering up cell and then taken into police custody to be heard on facts initially described as “apology for terrorism” and “aggravated violence”.

The victim announced on Saturday evening his intention to file a complaint, as did the priest.

The man accused, aged around fifty, is a homeless person, sometimes housed in a shelter, who was already known to the police.