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France muslim migrant screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ stabs six people at Paris train station



In total, 5 victims were slightly injured: 1 policeman from the PAF and 4 users. The author, in his thirties, has his vital prognosis involved. The police officer who opened fire was off duty, in civilian clothes, and was returning home. (@Europe1)

#GareDuNord The perpetrator, on whom no identity papers were found, declared his name to be Mohamed Amine M., of Algerian nationality. He says he is 31 years old. The investigators of the criminal brigade, to whom the investigation was entrusted, are trying to cross-check his statements. (@Europe1)

Two police officers, including one who was off duty, opened fire. Three casings were found. The investigators verify by means of the testimony of the victims and witnesses that the suspect shouted “Allah akbar” during the attack. Among the victims was a 40-year-old Belgian. (@Europe1)

syed putra

France is a country of freedom. Freedom for anything including radical muslims to blast their loud speakers.
France is one of the first to ditch their monarch and becones a republic. They tried to spread republucan ideals to the entire europe under Bonaparte.
Our current schooling stsrted in france where education was provided to the masses. Before that, only ruling elites gets into schools.


France is one of the first to ditch their monarch and becones a republic. They tried to spread republucan ideals to the entire europe under Bonaparte.
Our current schooling stsrted in france where education was provided to the masses. Before that, only ruling elites gets into schools.

I know republic system came from france, I do not know mass education also came from france. Thank you, bro.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why are all these radical muslims located in France?

That's because France is a bitch of the EU and the open borders policy, also pressurized by the UN (UNHCR) and various NGOs to take in these third world shit.

No such problem with Hungary. I wonder why? :cool:

syed putra

I know republic system came from france, I do not know mass education also came from france. Thank you, bro.
I think france influenced the christians to set up missionary schools sll over the world. Maybe. Not sure how missionary school started.

syed putra

That's because France is a bitch of the EU and the open borders policy, also pressurized by the UN (UNHCR) and various NGOs to take in these third world shit.

No such problem with Hungary. I wonder why? :cool:
Hungary never bothered to colonise anyone except their neighbours.


Beside being good @ shouting Allahu Akbar, going around stabbing people n creating trouble, I wonder what these peace loving religion fxxkers are capable of doing in life?


France is one of the first to ditch their monarch and becones a republic. They tried to spread republucan ideals to the entire europe under Bonaparte.
Our current schooling stsrted in france where education was provided to the masses. Before that, only ruling elites gets into schools.
Gee i tot roman is the 1st republic
And coin the term Republic


Alfrescian (Inf)

In total, 5 victims were slightly injured: 1 policeman from the PAF and 4 users. The author, in his thirties, has his vital prognosis involved. The police officer who opened fire was off duty, in civilian clothes, and was returning home. (@Europe1)

#GareDuNord The perpetrator, on whom no identity papers were found, declared his name to be Mohamed Amine M., of Algerian nationality. He says he is 31 years old. The investigators of the criminal brigade, to whom the investigation was entrusted, are trying to cross-check his statements. (@Europe1)

Two police officers, including one who was off duty, opened fire. Three casings were found. The investigators verify by means of the testimony of the victims and witnesses that the suspect shouted “Allah akbar” during the attack. Among the victims was a 40-year-old Belgian. (@Europe1)

the MuSLIME got mati ?.............