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France: Holy afghan muslim migrant in Islamic garb attacks unclean infidel jogger, stabs her in the throat



A 34-year-old jogger was the victim of a violent stabbing in Reims (Marne) this Saturday afternoon, December 31. A 23-year-old Afghan national, who is in a regular situation in the territory, was arrested shortly after the incident by the police, we learned, confirming information from L’Union. He was taken into custody.

A few hours before New Year’s Eve, a 34-year-old woman went out for a jog. Around 3:45 p.m., as she was passing in rue René-de-Bovis, an area in the south of the city frequented by sports enthusiasts which also serves allotment gardens. She crossed paths with a man dressed in a djellaba who threw himself at her. “The attacker tackled her to the ground and screamed in a foreign language, before stabbing her in the throat,” details a source close to the investigation.

Run away by passers-by
The victim tried to protect herself. Passers-by, alerted by the cries, approach and the aggressor finally decides to flee. The alert is then given. CRS 33 motorcyclists, armed with the perpetrator’s description, arrested a suspect shortly afterwards. This man had a knife on him. He was taken into custody, where he was still on Sunday. “He was previously unknown to the police and has a residence permit valid until January 26,” says the same source.

The victim, injured in the throat, was transported to the hospital and her condition fortunately does not inspire concern. “Witnesses said they spotted this man shortly before the attack, when he had a strange attitude, evoking the impression of a person with mental health problems,” continues our source. An investigation for “attempted murder” was opened and entrusted to the police of the departmental security.