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France deserve the immigrant riots according to africans.

syed putra





I hear this italian pm was brought in power by cia.

now suddenly you see this urge to talk up french colonialism but no mention of yankees, or even ceca hold on bangla through BAL dictatorship that was installed through a coup in 2007 by yankee-ceca combo.

it's obvious these are yankee plots.

the idea is if francos become weaker, then as a western country, franco kuffar devilish frog eaters will rally behind yanks, making yankees even stronger.

the idea should be to dismantle yankees first and foremost, if tiongkok can do it, then francos are just child's play. too small to be a challenge.

but as i have said before, inferior mongoloid wuhan virus copycat genes will ALWAYS remain inferior copycats. it's just genetic defect at work.