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France: 44 year old mum converted to 'peaceful' Islam, murdered her 19 year old daughter by sliting her throat


The police discovered the body of a young woman of 19 years, throated in the apartment she shared with her mother on 11 October, in Mulhouse (Upper Rhine). The latter, aged as 44 years old, is suspected of being the murderous. It was placed in police custody and hospital detention under duress because of his condition the Mulhouse Public Prosecutor's Office, confirming a information from L'Alsace.

The alert was given by the Muslim funeral home, contacted by the mother to organize her daughter's funeral. The agents went to the home on rue Alfred Dreyfus, but, in the face of the absence of a death certificate, they applied intervention by the police services. On their arrival, the investigators discovered "a crime scene in view of the state of the victim who lay on the floor in his room packed in a drap", said Jean-François Assal, Deputy Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Mulhouse. Many wounds, "probably caused by means of a knife", were noted, and a "recovered" ceramic knife placed under could be the weapon of the crime, depending on the Prosecutor.
The victim had a deep neck injury, "in the limit of beheading." Jean-François Assal described "a gesture of extreme violence at the level of the vertebrae", adding that "the force exerted on the neck was important". The autopsy confirmed that the young woman had had been slaughtered and had 16 wounds, including wounds of defence, indicating an attempt at resistance.

Known since 2019 for its Islamic radicalization​

The victim's mother, found sitting on the bed muttering prayers, was called to a point of view. "Although French, Born in France and having studied in France, she refused to communicate other than in Arabic", said the Prosecutor. His mental state led to the lifting of his police custody and placement in hospital under duress, after a Psychiatric opinion. The suspect was followed by the services of Information since 2019 on radicalisation Islamic. Jean-François Assal specified that the mother had "devoted his life to religion", while his girl, who had been out of school for several years, had been the subject of judicial follow-up under the authority of a juvenile judge, who tried to extract her from his mother's strict influence.
The exact circumstances of the murder remain to be determined. One judicial information was opened for "murder by ascendant" and investigations are entrusted to the Criminal Brigade of Mulhouse.