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Foxconn under tiong army control liao. Your iPhone 14 delivery will be delayed.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Should have thought of this day before you let the trashy country join the WTO in 2001. :cool:


red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
It is Putin playbook. Apple technology will be taken and next Huawei phone will be Apple 15.

syed putra

Europeans have been providing chinese with technology for decades. From rolling stocks ( high speed rail initially uses siemens, bombardier tech), planes ( arj21 is a copy of mcdonnel Douglas md80 which was once assembled in china and crj919 a copy of airbus a320 which is being assembled in china) and europeans will not stop as china is a huge profit generator.
Mini cars are now built exclusively in China after its UK plant shut down recently. Merc, bmw, audi, vw made enormous amount of money in china.
If europe shuts, these corporation will thrive in china.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's not just Apple, Winnie is attacking the 'capitalists' and 'Western imperialists'. Android fanboys shouldn't rejoice. All your electronic stuff manufactured by China sweatshops will be affected.

Once again, what you see today is a culmination of several major bad mistakes in the past:

1949: should have nipped the PRC regime in the bud.
1997: should not have given HK to the commies.
2001: should not have allowed the PRC to join the WTO.

Never make deals with commies, they will backstab you at the most opportune time. They even backstab their own comrades within their party. Putting on a business suit does not change the nature of a commie. This is your lesson to learn. :cool:

Byebye Penis

It's not just Apple, Winnie is attacking the 'capitalists' and 'Western imperialists'. Android fanboys shouldn't rejoice. All your electronic stuff manufactured by China sweatshops will be affected. :cool:

isn't this good for Southeast Asia? A weak china is good for the world.
will be even better if he send china and taiwan back to cultural revolution.