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Fort Canning F1 last night, 1 go to horsepeter



Man taken to hospital after accident involving 3 cars near Fort Canning Tunnel​


Photos posted on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook page show a red car that flipped over and a heavily damaged yellow car. PHOTOS: SG ROAD VIGILANTE/FACEBOOK

Gabrielle Andres

OCT 27, 2024, 06:55 PM


SINGAPORE – One person was taken to hospital after an accident involving three cars in Stamford Road towards Fort Canning Link in the early hours of Oct 27.
Police said they were alerted to an accident at the location at 1.30am.
Photos uploaded on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook page show a red car that had flipped over and a yellow car that suffered heavy damage to its bonnet. Another photo locates the scene of the accident as near the tunnel.