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Chitchat Foreign Woman Jailed For Lying To Good Moslem Cop That She Was Forced Into Prostitution! Two Good People Arrested For Nothing! Race?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
SINGAPORE - An Indian national falsely accused two people of forcing her into prostitution as she did not want her husband to find out how she was earning a living in Singapore.

The two people - a man and a woman - were arrested after Kalaiselvi Murugiyan made a police report last year claiming that they had forced her to become a prostitute.

On Tuesday (May 14), Kalaiselvi, 24, was sentenced to two weeks' jail after pleading guilty to giving false information to Inspector Mohamed Raffiq Mohamed Ishak from Central Police Division. Court documents did not say what she was working as in Singapore.

The court heard that Kalaiselvi went to the Rochor Neighbourhood Police Centre on Nov 1 last year to make a police report.

She was referred to the Central Police Division to have her statement recorded. The Specialised Crime Branch then investigated the case.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Grace Goh told the court that Kalaiselvi lied to Inspector Mohamed Raffiq while giving her statement at the Police Cantonment Complex on Nov 1. The man and woman were later arrested. She owned up to her lies at around 2.30pm the next day.

Kalaiselvi, who was not represented by a lawyer, told District Judge Christopher Tan on Tuesday that she did not want to go to jail.

She pleaded for forgiveness and said she had to take care of her family members in India.

Before handing down the sentence, Judge Tan stressed that two people had been falsely implicated and arrested as a result of her lies.

"Valuable police resources were wasted," he said.

For giving false information to a police officer, Kalaiselvi could have been jailed for up to a year and fined up to $5,000.



Who wants to pay Indian whore when they can be raped for free all over India. Yuckssss.