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Foreign student in Japan charged for riding electric suitcase without license


Foreign student in Japan charged for riding electric suitcase without license

On Wednesday (26 June), police in Osaka, Japan charged a foreign woman for riding an electric suitcase without a license.

According to Sora News 24, the case is the first of its kind in Japan.

She was caught riding the motorised suitcase along a sidewalk in the city earlier in March.

The woman’s suitcase can reportedly travel at up to 13 kilometres per hour (km/h).

As a result, they are legally considered motorised bikes, which ‘riders’ need a license for.

The suitcases are usually intended to be used at the airport.

However, they are not allowed on public roads in Japan as they do not meet safety standards.

In response to the charges, the woman, a Chinese national studying in Japan, said she did not think she needed a license to ‘drive’ the suitcase as she didn’t consider it a vehicle.

Even Japanese citizens are scratching their heads over laws concerning smaller motorised vehicles.

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Good ideas to provide affordable transport for the people especially our country. Even with licence issued for vehicle road users, accidents still happen on the road. Why? So are licence necessary?