Again for intellectual discussion only.....:p
Notice the latest spate of revised economic forcecasts??
Notice the latest state of the stock markets???
Notice that many are jumping onto the bandwagon by predicting or forecasting rise, collapse, state of stock markets, even earthquakes, tsunami (got the spam on the tsunami yet????????)
Notice that many of these "experts" seems to be wrong but nobody notices except those who managed to get it close or right..... at maybe 1 in a 100 "experts".....
What are these "Experts" looking for?? Instant fame & recognition when their predictions or forecasts hit right on the nail head??? Or simply trying to talk "up" or talk "down" the market??
What are your views gentlemen???:p
Notice the latest spate of revised economic forcecasts??
Notice the latest state of the stock markets???
Notice that many are jumping onto the bandwagon by predicting or forecasting rise, collapse, state of stock markets, even earthquakes, tsunami (got the spam on the tsunami yet????????)
Notice that many of these "experts" seems to be wrong but nobody notices except those who managed to get it close or right..... at maybe 1 in a 100 "experts".....
What are these "Experts" looking for?? Instant fame & recognition when their predictions or forecasts hit right on the nail head??? Or simply trying to talk "up" or talk "down" the market??
What are your views gentlemen???:p