Johor To Stop Selling Water To Singapore From Skudai Plant Next Year, 27 Apr 2010
JOHOR BAHARU, April 27 (Bernama) -- Johor will stop the sale of raw water to Singapore from the Skudai water treatment plant here upon the expiry of the related agreement next year, Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said.
"Negotiations are underway to return (the Skudai plant to the state government)," he told reporters at a news conference in conjunction with the visit by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to the customs, immigration and quarantine complex here.
What kind of reason is this? LOL
Techniques discredited by academics. But often used to piece together conspiracy theories.
These are all costs that must be factored into not signing water agreement.
I suspect there is a linkage between between increasing water resource holding capacity for self sufficiency and the current floods.
Hi. You don't have to suspect. PAP actually already admitted it.
"Tan Nguan Sen, director of Catchment & Waterways, PUB, said: "The Marina reservoir was built for two main functions. One is to act as storage for fresh water, and the other one is for flood control purposes. For flood control purposes we want to keep the reservoir as low as possible, whereas as a storage for fresh water we want to keep it as high as possible."
I believe after they cease one of the water contract with M'sia, they are trying to keep the rain water so much so that some of the places will be flooded as a result.
This may also be the reason why they now keep telling you that "Singapore is impossible to be flood free.." since they already anticipated the outcome.
So you think it's cheaper to pay higher price for water, or have floods now and then?
Do we pay higher price for the m'sia water? I don't know.
Maybe you should also ask: Will it be higher price by producing and supplying the water by ourselves?
Flood is only part of it which comes in price of property and maybe lives as it may happen.
Other than that, we have to recycle the sai-chwee and process some of the sea water. All these will come in great price too.
The best part is, no one at ground level know whether the sai-chwee is safe to drink and what are the long-term effects it may bring after consuming it. Do you?
So which is higher price? I think PAP should know it best.
My personal impression of this water contract thing, is more like a personal decision for the PAP rather than for the nation. You can say it's more like a pride thingy..face saving.
To me, it's just a repetition of the incident whereby SG was parted with M'sia.
I agree with you. "Face" is the issue at stake. I suspect this is one of PM Lee's pet project. He wants to tell the world especially Malaysia, Singapore can be self sufficient in water.
last time malaysia refused to sell us water and kota tinggi got flooded,
now we refused to buy water from them and we get flooded.
What is God up to