Filipino maid in hospital after alleged dog attack

By Feng Zengkun
The Straits Times
Friday, Mar 29, 2013
A maid was allegedly attacked by a man's unmuzzled doberman yesterday morning while on her way to buy groceries in Tampines.
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According to an eyewitness from Stomp, the man had left his dog unmuzzled, and only put on the muzzle after the incident.
Despite the seriousness of her wound, he simply gave her money and told her to go to a doctor herself.
Said the employer: "My maid was attacked by an unmuzzled Doberman dog while walking to the NTUC supermarket in Tampines.
"She was walking below the MRT tracks with another maid, when a man came along with the dog leashed, but unmuzzled.
"The dog bit her arm, leaving a 10cm long gash, another 5cm long wound and three smaller injuries on her arm. Her wounds were serious as the flesh of her arm was left exposed.
"After the incident, the man muzzled his dog and simply gave my maid some money to go to a doctor.
"He then tried to leave the scene.
"Thankfully another man nearby heard her screams and came to help. He also prevented the dog owner from leaving the scene.
"It is not right for the man to have treated a maid like a nobody.
The employer added that a police report has been filed, and the maid was warded at the Intensive Care Unit of Changi General Hospital.