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Fighting Hamas is like fighting Vietcongs. Good luck to IDF.





Alfrescian (Inf)
You need higher IQ (most east Asians) to effectively use guerilla warfare. Those Middle East Muslim Arabs have been inbred for generations, all they know how to do is produce a swarm of jihad babies and zerg rush the Yahudis. Good luck! :biggrin:

syed putra

You need higher IQ (most east Asians) to effectively use guerilla warfare. Those Middle East Muslim Arabs have been inbred for generations, all they know how to do is produce a swarm of jihad babies and zerg rush the Yahudis. Good luck! :biggrin:
There are no trees in the desert for ambush.
US tried to capture abu sayaf in on jolo islands using infra red vision like they used in Iraq to detect potential enemies but it did not work due to dense tree cover.