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Fauci and Big Pharma are liars, the vaccines saved no one.


The US had 3k deaths per million from COVID and were vaxxed to the gills but Nigeria which is 1% vaxxed had 13 deaths per million.





tis proved that the most cuntries' garbermen have immoral leader who are controlled by the armarikag cabal.
so many glaring fact have been made known publicly that the vaccine is a poison yet these scum leaders not only
keep lying that it is safe , they are actively promoting the citizens to get vaccinated.


keep lying that it is safe , they are actively promoting the citizens to get vaccinated
To get the deed done, the people such as sinkies have to be daft. It is poison but when u cannot go to the malls and restaurants, the daft will still take it. It take 2 hands to clap.


To get the deed done, the people such as sinkies have to be daft. It is poison but when u cannot go to the malls and restaurants, the daft will still take it. It take 2 hands to clap.
no jabs no jobs was the ultimate deal that broke the backs of sinkies..... next day suddenly long queue appear at vaccination centres


tis proved that the most cuntries' garbermen have immoral leader who are controlled by the armarikag cabal.
so many glaring fact have been made known publicly that the vaccine is a poison yet these scum leaders not only
keep lying that it is safe , they are actively promoting the citizens to get vaccinated.


no jabs no jobs was the ultimate deal that broke the backs of sinkies..... next day suddenly long queue appear at vaccination centres
In short, they fail the test. The unvaxxed inherit the New Earth. The vaxxed gone to med beds to heal themselves. Or using Ian Welch personal healing to get the body to be unaffected by the Vax. This is all I know now.


In short, they fail the test. The unvaxxed inherit the New Earth. The vaxxed gone to med beds to heal themselves. Or using Ian Welch personal healing to get the body to be unaffected by the Vax. This is all I know now.
human lab rats, let's see how many going to carry on jabbing from now on


Alfrescian (Inf)
In short, they fail the test. The unvaxxed inherit the New Earth. The vaxxed gone to med beds to heal themselves. Or using Ian Welch personal healing to get the body to be unaffected by the Vax. This is all I know now.

Don't think those will help them. They are irreversibly tainted, will either succumb to another 'unexplained sudden death' or slowly waste away with 'long Covid' for the rest of their shortened lifespan. :cool: