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Farking CECA savages rummage through boxes besides recycle bin causing a mountain of trash


Thanks to 61% and PAP.

Media use the word 'passers-by' but one look you will know it's obviously those CECA savages again. Only these shitty roaches would behave in this way causing a eye-sore and public nuisance.

And Shanmugam still dare to complain in parliament that CECAs are being call bad names include Roaches, LOL. He should farking open his eyes to see what is happening on the ground.

Should invite him to go there and take a look. These people are not called roaches for nothing, it's precisely roaches who behave this way rummaging among rubbish, LOL.


'They wouldn't listen': Pasir Ris homeowner says passers-by rummage through items she threw out, causing 'mountain of trash'​

'They wouldn't listen': Pasir Ris homeowner says passers-by rummage through items she threw out, causing 'mountain of trash'

The homeowner who discarded the five boxes of waste said she had packed the items neatly in boxes.
PHOTO: Supplied to Shin Min Daily News

The housewife had packed her unwanted items into five boxes and placed them neatly beside a recycling bin on the ground floor of her HDB block last Thursday (June 20).

But passers-by later started picking through the items to look for "treasure", causing a "mountain of trash" to build up, Wu Shiyan (transliteration), who lives at Block 125 Pasir Ris Street 11, told Shin Min Daily News.

The 45-year-old said: "I already told them not to rummage through the discarded items as the cleaners will have a hard time clearing it, but they wouldn't listen."

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That 45yo lao auntie shd hv pulled down her loose granny panty and flash her lao cheebye to these ahnehs. Confirm all scurry off as if just seen a pontianak