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Fark John Tan's doggie Chan Chun Sing rah!


While so many country delay or postpone elections cause of public safety concerns over coronavirus (i.e Australia, New Zealand etc)

CCS thought its an opportunity for PAP to be saved cause of a crisis

Why he so self serving????

He was also heard noting that “dependability” and “stability” were no longer seen as a virtue by voters and looked back at times PAP has performed well when elections were held during a crisis, including Lee Kuan Yew’s death in 2015, when the party scored nearly 70% of votes.

“Every election the PAP [had] vote problems, you [can] check back the 50 years and see. Then suddenly, a crisis will save us. Then we’ll start dropping again,” he can be heard saying.

He later said: “Lee Kuan Yew’s death saved us. Before Lee Kuan Yew’s death, 9/11 saved us.