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Fare reviews should not be linked to service levels and disruptions: Chee Hong Tat


Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat said on Oct 15 that the Public Transport Council had considered and decided against linking fare reviews to service levels and disruptions due to there being other measures in place to ensure standards are met.

What the fuck? In this case, what is called KPI? If their performance is not up to expectation, why should the commuters be paying more instead of commensurate to their service levels and amount of disruptions during every year of assessment? Really this PAP government nowadays cannot be fucked anymore.

syed putra

Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat said on Oct 15 that the Public Transport Council had considered and decided against linking fare reviews to service levels and disruptions due to there being other measures in place to ensure standards are met.

What the fuck? In this case, what is called KPI? If their performance is not up to expectation, why should the commuters be paying more instead of commensurate to their service levels and amount of disruptions during every year of assessment? Really this PAP government nowadays cannot be fucked anymore.
Things break down. It happens even in London. Not sure if trains break down in Japan and Switzerland as that is on another level.


This is what happened when you vote PAP into power every 5 years.



these are just outright smooth talking parasites......dont be angry, not good for your health, i am 100% sure once he off camera, he will laugh at his own sales pitch


Should be linked….if more breakdowns SMRT workers have to do overtime to fix.

More costs associated to breakdowns and hence in fact fare should go up.