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By Hoe Yeen Nie | Posted: 04 July 2010 2147 hrs
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SINGAPORE: There is about a month to go before National Day, and some residents are already getting into the mood to mark the nation's birthday.
At 10.45am on Sunday, 2,000 households in Sembawang GRC unfurled their Singapore flags at the same time.
And for this, the residents got themselves into the Singapore Book of Records.
Singapore celebrates its 45th year of independence on 9 August, and the theme this year is "Live Our Dreams, Fly Our Flag".
- CNA/ir
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By Hoe Yeen Nie | Posted: 04 July 2010 2147 hrs
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SINGAPORE: There is about a month to go before National Day, and some residents are already getting into the mood to mark the nation's birthday.
At 10.45am on Sunday, 2,000 households in Sembawang GRC unfurled their Singapore flags at the same time.
And for this, the residents got themselves into the Singapore Book of Records.
Singapore celebrates its 45th year of independence on 9 August, and the theme this year is "Live Our Dreams, Fly Our Flag".
- CNA/ir