<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=452><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=452 colSpan=2>Published December 3, 2009
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=452 colSpan=2>English requirement for skilled levy
<TABLE class=storyLinks border=0 cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=1 width=136 align=right><TBODY><TR class=font10><TD width=20 align=right> </TD><TD>Email this article</TD></TR><TR class=font10><TD width=20 align=right> </TD><TD>Print article </TD></TR><TR class=font10><TD width=20 align=right> </TD><TD>Feedback</TD></TR><TR class=font10><TD colSpan=2><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#pub=xa-4ae026ba0e05c08d"></SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var addthis_config = { username: "xa-4ae026ba0e05c08d", services_compact: 'facebook, twitter, favorites, myspace, google, digg, live, delicious, stumbleupon, more', services_exclude: 'print', data_use_flash: false } </SCRIPT> <!-- AddThis Button END --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>FROM the third quarter of next year, English language proficiency will be an additional requirement for Work Permit Holders (WPHs) in the hotel, retail and F&B industries to qualify for skilled levy status.
The move was announced yesterday morning by Minister of State for Manpower and Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan, who was speaking at an event organised by the Migrant Workers Centre. 'English is the working language in Singapore,' said Mr Lee. 'This is particularly important in industries like hotels, retail and F&B. Hence, English language proficiency will be an additional criterion for skilled levy status from the third quarter next year. To incentivise companies to equip their workers with basic English language skills, WPHs in hotels, retail and F&B will enjoy skilled levy status if they pass an English language proficiency test, in addition to the current skilled status requirement, from the third quarter next year.'
Employers pay a levy of $150 per month for skilled foreign workers and $240 per month for unskilled foreign workers.
=> Since there are 1.5M FTrash in Peesai, the Familee is raking in between $225M and $360M in levy EVERY MONTH. No wonder they die die wanna leeplace Sporns with FTrash!
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=452 colSpan=2>English requirement for skilled levy
<TABLE class=storyLinks border=0 cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=1 width=136 align=right><TBODY><TR class=font10><TD width=20 align=right> </TD><TD>Email this article</TD></TR><TR class=font10><TD width=20 align=right> </TD><TD>Print article </TD></TR><TR class=font10><TD width=20 align=right> </TD><TD>Feedback</TD></TR><TR class=font10><TD colSpan=2><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#pub=xa-4ae026ba0e05c08d"></SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var addthis_config = { username: "xa-4ae026ba0e05c08d", services_compact: 'facebook, twitter, favorites, myspace, google, digg, live, delicious, stumbleupon, more', services_exclude: 'print', data_use_flash: false } </SCRIPT> <!-- AddThis Button END --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>FROM the third quarter of next year, English language proficiency will be an additional requirement for Work Permit Holders (WPHs) in the hotel, retail and F&B industries to qualify for skilled levy status.
The move was announced yesterday morning by Minister of State for Manpower and Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan, who was speaking at an event organised by the Migrant Workers Centre. 'English is the working language in Singapore,' said Mr Lee. 'This is particularly important in industries like hotels, retail and F&B. Hence, English language proficiency will be an additional criterion for skilled levy status from the third quarter next year. To incentivise companies to equip their workers with basic English language skills, WPHs in hotels, retail and F&B will enjoy skilled levy status if they pass an English language proficiency test, in addition to the current skilled status requirement, from the third quarter next year.'
Employers pay a levy of $150 per month for skilled foreign workers and $240 per month for unskilled foreign workers.
=> Since there are 1.5M FTrash in Peesai, the Familee is raking in between $225M and $360M in levy EVERY MONTH. No wonder they die die wanna leeplace Sporns with FTrash!