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Serious Faked AMDK Nationality Tiongs Kenna Coronavirus


Alfrescian (Inf)
I tot its illegal to be dual passport and Sinkie.
Not for Ah Tiongs.
I have worked under a Tiong woman and she has both Tiong Cock and Sinkie Passport. Our forking gahmen always closed one eyes when it comes to Ah Tiongs because our financial sector depends heavily on their dirty money.


Alfrescian (Inf)
A lot of Tiongs, especially the high SES ones, have Canadian citizenship and/or bought property there.

It's not really a secret.



I suspect that Americunt who passed away Is a Tiong faking to be AMDK.

The rule of the game is simple. If you are yellow skin, red skin, black skin or orange skin holding USA passport and speak no English, you are considered an American. Similarly, if you are a white man holding the red passport and does not know about majullah singapura, you are considered a sinkie. Who is a fake? Who created the fakers?