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Chitchat Faggot Decides To Work With Zionists To Manage Jiuhu Airport After Sucking hamas' Cock!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has been a fierce critic of Israel over its war against Hamas.

Now, he’s resisting pressure from his own critics to nix a RM12.3 billion (S$3.54 billion) Malaysian airports privatisation deal involving US fund manager BlackRock over its ties to Israel.

Datuk Seri Anwar told the Malaysian Parliament this week that it was “not realistic” to cut ties with any company over links to Israel.

Then he sought to reassure US investors that his government had no issue with BlackRock, which bought Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) – a member of the consortium taking over Malaysia Airports Holdings.

“The collaboration between Malaysia Airports and GIP for us is critical,” he said at a luncheon hosted by the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Malaysia) on June 25. “We made it clear to all Members of Parliament, and it explains our position on investments from overseas, including the US.”

The furore tests the limits of Mr Anwar backing Palestinians, and Hamas, which is designated a terrorist organisation by the US and European Union, as he looks to shore up support at home and also court global investors.

Malaysia doesn’t have a trade or diplomatic relationship with Israel.

“A lot of political capital has been spent to defend the deal,” said Mr Adib Zalkapli, a political analyst tracking Malaysia for over a decade. “There will be serious consequences to Malaysia’s reputation should the government decide to cancel the deal.”

The privatisation deal, announced on May 15, valued the airport operator at about US$3.9 billion (S$5.29 billion) and kept 70 per cent of the company in Malaysian hands, namely sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional and the Employees Provident Fund.

Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and GIP will control the rest.

The view from Mr Anwar’s advisers is that his government cannot afford to be selective in how it treats companies regarding Palestinian issues as there are other major investors in Malaysia such as the Vanguard Group that also have substantial investments in Israel, according to people familiar with the matter.

GIP has been treading carefully. It told Malaysian state media that BlackRock would not be involved in privatising Malaysia Airports and GIP’s existing leadership team would “retain full control”.

BlackRock is among the biggest investors in some of Malaysia’s largest companies, with total holdings worth nearly US$5.8 billion in equities and government bonds, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Mr Rozaid Rahman, a media and strategic communications director at the Malaysian Prime Minister’s Office, referred to comments Mr Anwar made in Parliament this week on the privatisation deal.

Khazanah and BlackRock did not respond to Bloomberg requests for comment.

The campaign against BlackRock first emerged from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, which came to the fore in the US in 2024 with students pushing elite universities to cut their investments in anything tied to Israel and the weapons that fuel the war in Gaza.

While university administrators, donors and lawmakers in America have rejected the BDS movement for decades, it has found fertile ground in Malaysia where there is a strong anti-Israel sentiment in the Muslim-majority country.

Boycotts of global brands such as Starbucks, KFC and Pizza Hut for perceived links to Israel have hurt local franchises in Malaysia and jobs.

“Any company with strong ties with Israel is a potential target of our campaigns,” said Mr Nazari Ismail, chairman of the Malaysian chapter of BDS.

But when it came to BlackRock, it would be impossible to stop it from buying Malaysian shares in the open market, he added.

The protest against the deal has also found traction in the Malay-Muslim opposition ahead of a local election on July 6 with politicians describing Mr Anwar as “America’s adopted child”.

A minister was reported as saying that the deal was not unanimously endorsed by Mr Anwar’s Cabinet, signalling some unease within his coalition.

At the AmCham Malaysia luncheon, Mr Anwar pushed the view that the deal had been politicised.

The BlackRock issue “is rancorous at the local level, at the by-election with people casting aspersions and allegations”, he said. BLOOMBERG



Alfrescian (Inf)
BlackRock is one of the main reasons why China has been kept alive for so long. Another noteworthy mention is Sequoia Capital (红杉资本).

After Anwar's recent meeting with that CCP doggie, this should be no surprise. :wink:


BIBI n SinWar are BFF behind closed door

HOw can Sinwar eliminate all his more moderated competition last 20yrs without Bibi blessing?

How can Sinwar always run faster than IDF jets and guide missile while his compatriots fall in doves?

syed putra

Actually global infrastructure group was founded by a nigerian.
It's not bought over by the black rock yet.
Why jew called company black is another matter.

syed putra

Does this look like a jew to you?


Adebayo Ogunlesi​

GroupOffice of the Chairman
TeamsFounding Partner, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
LocationNorth America
Bayo Ogunlesi is a Founding Partner, and the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of GIP. He is based in New York.
Prior to the formation of GIP in 2006, Mr. Ogunlesi spent 23 years at Credit Suisse, where he held several senior positions including Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Client Officer of the Investment Banking Division. From 2002 to 2004, he was Head