• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Facebook shuts down Malay/Muslim news page Rilek1Corner



Singapore—Rilek1Corner, a Facebook page popular with many members of the Singapore Malay/Muslim community was shut down on December 11. According to the creators of the page, access to the pages has been taken away from the editors and they have also been removed from their roles.

The people behind the page also wrote on December 11 that they received no explanation as to why the page has been “deleted from Facebook without warning.” The page is still accessible, but there have been no new posts since the afternoon of December 11.

The page identifies itself as a news and media website, with contributions crowdsourced from the followers of the page, who are more than 30,000 strong. Its About section says, “ALTERNATIVE MEDIA! 100% NO FILTER! FREE! IN ENGLISH & ENGLISH!”

Posts from Rilek1Corner have been cited in stories by other news websites including AsiaOne, Mothership, Coconuts and this publication, TISG.

However, the team behind Rilek1Corner has acknowledged that it has at times posted content that has not pleased everyone. “Rilek1corner voices issues of the Malay community that are sometimes difficult to accept. We speak from our hearts and do our best to have a dialogue with all our followers.”


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Never, ever depend upon a third party domain for your on line presence. I learned that lesson early when Delphi started interfering with the way I ran my site.

Set up your own domain, your own server, on your own platform to maintain control.

In addition a real time back up of the database should be maintained at all times so that if the server is seized the site can be restored somewhere else in a matter of hours.

The additional traffic and participation that sites like facebook and twitter provide are simply not worth the hassle.


any social cause can.be championed.by the ProfitAbovePeople gang.

community,social,welfare,animals, what not.

POFMA up its ante.


GE upon all sinkies...

Malay-Muslim community to be consulted on more issues that concern them: Masagos.

Malay-Muslims will get more say in Singapore's policy-making, in line with the Government's overall strategy for the future, said Mr Masagos Zulkifli in a media interview pertaining to issues to do with the community on Tuesday (Dec 17). Nisha Rahim reports.



Never, ever depend upon a third party domain for your on line presence. I learned that lesson early when Delphi started interfering with the way I ran my site.

Set up your own domain, your own server, on your own platform to maintain control.

In addition a real time back up of the database should be maintained at all times so that if the server is seized the site can be restored somewhere else in a matter of hours.

The additional traffic and participation that sites like facebook and twitter provide are simply not worth the hassle.

If there is a www.sammyboy.com Rilek1corner Section.

30,000 Rilek1corner followers can come and relax one corner at www.sammyboy.com.

30,000 Rilek1corner followers can come here and voice their Malay community issues that are sometimes difficult to accept by the pap or other social media like fecesbook.