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F1 race is just like emperor's new clothes


It's actually damn blardy boring to the spectators. But when asked about it, people have to act atas and said that it's exciting, for fear that others will laugh at them for not being to appreciate the game.
No, if someone were to interview me I would say the F1 is basically a very silly event, using tax payer money to enrich the rich


The only and bestest way to watch F1 is on the telly....only AMDK and AMDK wannabes go there to swivel their heads and burst their ear drums.


Alfrescian (Inf)
verstappen’s team screwed up by fueling his car for only 5 laps when it should have been 6.9. ended up in 6.9th place when he could have won starting from pole position. he was more than 6.9 spots back from pole - an insurmountable disadvantage in f1 conditions (and circuit) in sg. his team should have followed the 6.9 rule when fueling. 69% of sinkies attending the f1 would have no clue on what i’m talking about.


verstappen’s team screwed up by fueling his car for only 5 laps when it should have been 6.9. ended up in 6.9th place when he could have won starting from pole position. he was more than 6.9 spots back from pole - an insurmountable disadvantage in f1 conditions in sg. his team should have followed the 6.9 rule when fueling.
Did he eat nasi goreng?


It's actually damn blardy boring to the spectators. But when asked about it, people have to act atas and said that it's exciting, for fear that others will laugh at them for not being to appreciate the game.
Good observation :thumbsup:
I would think part of them are like what you said while the other part were imaging they were the ones racing the cars .
I would rather watch horse race with the bandits and whipping sounds during home straight.


Alfrescian (Inf)
verstappen’s team screwed up by fueling his car for only 5 laps when it should have been 6.9. ended up in 6.9th place when he could have won starting from pole position. he was more than 6.9 spots back from pole - an insurmountable disadvantage in f1 conditions (and circuit) in sg. his team should have followed the 6.9 rule when fueling. 69% of sinkies attending the f1 would have no clue on what i’m talking about.

Less fuel = less weight = faster move speed. :biggrin: