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(Exemplified the Prophet!): Afghan muslima says she was forced to marry Taliban official and raped every night



An Afghan woman has alleged that former Taliban spokesperson Qari Saeed Khosty forcibly married and repeatedly raped her.

In a video that has spread online, a tearful woman identified herself as Elaha and claimed that Khosty forcibly married her in January.

“He raped me every night. He tortured and beat me up every night,” she said.

Elaha said she was a student at Kabul Medical University and the daughter of a former general who worked at the National Directorate of Security (NDS) in Kabul under the US-supported government.

In the video, which includes images appearing to show her injuries, she also claimed that Khosty filmed her rape and blackmailed her with it.

Elaha details once trying to escape before being caught by Taliban officials at the Torkham border crossing to Pakistan. She claimed she was imprisoned and ordered to apologize to Khosty and kiss his feet.

“After posting this video, maybe no one will see me again, I might be killed. But to die once is better than dying a thousand times,” Elaha said.

CBS News spoke to a friend of Elaha, who confirmed her story and said she is still desperate to flee the country.

Khosty, who was removed from his role as the Taliban’s Interior Ministry spokesman in March, took to Twitter to deny the allegations. He has claimed the marriage was consensual and says there were issues because her Muslim “faith is weak.” He had decided to divorce her because she insulted the Quran, he said

In his tweet, Khosty apologized to the Taliban for taking Elaha as his second wife, which was in violation of the group’s new ban on taking multiple wives last year….



An Afghan woman has alleged that former Taliban spokesperson Qari Saeed Khosty forcibly married and repeatedly raped her.

In a video that has spread online, a tearful woman identified herself as Elaha and claimed that Khosty forcibly married her in January.

“He raped me every night. He tortured and beat me up every night,” she said.

Elaha said she was a student at Kabul Medical University and the daughter of a former general who worked at the National Directorate of Security (NDS) in Kabul under the US-supported government.

In the video, which includes images appearing to show her injuries, she also claimed that Khosty filmed her rape and blackmailed her with it.

Elaha details once trying to escape before being caught by Taliban officials at the Torkham border crossing to Pakistan. She claimed she was imprisoned and ordered to apologize to Khosty and kiss his feet.

“After posting this video, maybe no one will see me again, I might be killed. But to die once is better than dying a thousand times,” Elaha said.

CBS News spoke to a friend of Elaha, who confirmed her story and said she is still desperate to flee the country.

Khosty, who was removed from his role as the Taliban’s Interior Ministry spokesman in March, took to Twitter to deny the allegations. He has claimed the marriage was consensual and says there were issues because her Muslim “faith is weak.” He had decided to divorce her because she insulted the Quran, he said

In his tweet, Khosty apologized to the Taliban for taking Elaha as his second wife, which was in violation of the group’s new ban on taking multiple wives last year….
Stop taking multiple wives? That is un islamic


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Even taliban must try to blend into the modern world. Soon, gay marriages may be acceptable.

The moslem prophet himself was a rapist. Hence for centuries, most of important moslem figures in islamic history were rapists themselves.


Taliban is more islamic than sinkieland muslims. In taliban land, any man without beard will be taken as gay. The prophet encouraged his own soldiers to rape war captives.
Man without beards? Than cina should not join...cina not as hairy as ang Mors and even m&ds not that hairy to have a beard

syed putra

Man without beards? Than cina should not join...cina not as hairy as ang Mors and even m&ds not that hairy to have a beard
There is no need to keep beards.
Moslems have truly diverted from its original beliefs which is basically based on good deeds and justice into something that emphasise appearance and rituals.


There is no need to keep beards.
Moslems have truly diverted from its original beliefs which is basically based on good deeds and justice into something that emphasise appearance and rituals.

Bearding is emulating the most sacred man in Islam, every alpha muslim will be happy to look like Muhammed.


Man without beards? Than cina should not join...cina not as hairy as ang Mors and even m&ds not that hairy to have a beard

Malaysia is still a secular country, most m&ds have a clean face. In muslim countries, a man with a clean face will be discriminated in work and career opportunities.


I think this girl has no father or brother ... or else she will fuck by them first ...

Race and IQ