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Ex Slut Fat Gillian Chung's Ex husband glad that he didn't buy her a $4.8mil house



Gillian Chung’s Ex-Husband Says He’s "Relieved" He Didn't Buy Her A S$4.8mil House

Published MAY 13, 2021
Updated MAY 15, 2021

Michael Lai
The 32-year-old doctor says he's glad he wasn't blinded by love .
It’s been a year since Hongkong star Gillian Chung and Taiwanese-American cosmetologist Michael Lai filed for divorce, but it seems like he still has plenty more to say about their ill-fated relationship.

Shortly after their split was announced, Michael told the press that he was “devastated” and that Gillian was the one who initiated getting a divorce as she “no longer loved him”. They were married for less than two years.


1 of 2Michael hasn't moved on yet
The 32-year-old sat down for an interview recently, where he revealed that he’s “not quite over” Gillian yet.

“I still don’t know why I became ‘rejected goods’ after 14 months (…) But at least I wasn’t blinded by love and said no to buying her a house, he shared.

According to Michael, he and Gillian had gone house shopping in Taiwan after getting married, and one of the mansions they viewed cost more than NT$100mil (S$4.8mil). But when reporters caught wind of it, the stories they wrote claimed that Gillian was buying Michael a house.


2 of 2The former couple in happier times
Michael went on to say that the reports got it all wrong, and that it was Gillian who had asked him to buy her a house.

“I was originally going to pay for the house and put the title deed under her name, so the reports got it completely wrong,” he said. “I ultimately decided against it and that’s a good thing, because I would have ended up forking out the down payment and dealing with the instalments.”
Read more at https://www.8days.sg/sceneandheard/...says-he-s-relieved-he-didn-t-buy-her-14795940