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Ex employee said Kotec Tin P L totally useless as a CEO


Business Singapore and China is for PAP cronies to scoop up money and top up their existing pay of MP.
KNN .. who say that these people can do some real work ??

Doing real work is for real business man !


The bunch of whites are all useless,if they really good they won't be there,same as jinx, nobody hired her except temasick,lol


Alfrescian (Inf)
Capable people don't join PAP. Otherwise, what took it so long to find a PM successor? Pinky loon wanted to remain in power for as long as those useless scumbags are untalented, mediocre, shady and obedient.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ms Tin, in an interview with Mothership, said, “I think, of course, as compared to the previous CEO, I do not really have any actual experience working or living in China. This is a fact. But I do have an interest in both Chinese culture and the development that is taking place in China now. And I believe that this will help me when it comes to developing trade relations with China.”

Is Tin Pei Ling suggesting that as long as she lovex eating, she can become a famous chef?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Ms Tin, in an interview with Mothership, said, “I think, of course, as compared to the previous CEO, I do not really have any actual experience working or living in China. This is a fact. But I do have an interest in both Chinese culture and the development that is taking place in China now. And I believe that this will help me when it comes to developing trade relations with China.”

Is Tin Pei Ling suggesting that as long as she lovex eating, she can become a famous chef?
Tin Peilin's skill is being utterly shameless and yet so honest about it. Ordinary people would have already committed suicide out of embarrassment


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tin Peilin's skill is being utterly shameless and yet so honest about it. Ordinary people would have already committed suicide out of embarrassment
She joined PAP to leech for more money. Otherwise, she can't make it in private sector and certainly no chance of becoming even a manager. Joining pap allows her to become director/CEO,/chief out of the blue, and earning obsene taxpayers money without any justifications needed. This is how PAPPY recruit people into its camp, with promise of "money & status", not so much of whether they are talented. Meritocracy is a hoax in Sinkieland. Lawrence Wong is also not very bright to be honest as can be seen from him parroting his master.