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Ex-Billionaire said, GREED caused him to Lose


I am lazy to translate to English, those who can not read Chinese can use babelfish to translate yourself. This guy now owe billions and one of his recent jobs was a road sweeper!

He learned how to type out an email and got 1 job due to this. :biggrin:

From this man you have learn his style 拿得起放得下。




億萬富豪「再培訓」再上路 一夜欠債11億 失業4年做掃街

(明報)1月29日 星期四 05:10

【明報專訊】當不少人正憂心金融海嘯第二波何時來襲,一度身家過億的劉振輝顯得雲淡風輕﹕廿多年豪慣嘆慣、渡過多次金融危機,一度坐擁10多間豪宅、名車、遊艇,「差點想買埋飛機」;但2003年一場SARS 將他重重摔下來,一夜間欠債11億元。失業4年,做過掃街,去年尾,這名「落難富豪」到再培訓局「接受再培訓」。由零開始,先學習發電郵,亦因一封電郵,為他帶來新工作。



這名前富豪對自己高峰期有多少身家完全沒有概念,他說﹕「秘書幫我打理一切,她可能清楚過我。」較為可以清楚交代的是﹕曾有10多間豪宅、3輛平治、一艘價值680萬元的遊艇,歌星王菲 也是他的鄰居。

歷兩金融風暴 投資豪宅一鋪清


言談間,劉振輝充分顯示其自信一面﹕「1982年第一個金融風暴未驚過、97年第二個金融風暴亦未驚過。」可是,「03年的SARS,卻因為太自信,投資 的10多個豪宅全軍覆沒,一夜欠債11億元。」2004年,他被銀行申請破產。據法庭紀錄,單是被追討的現金債項已有3000萬元,還未計樓宇按揭欠款。



破產後,他想過自殺,但一想到一對子女便打消死念。失業近4年,為了生計,他去年當上掃街工人,「起初會將太陽帽拉低些,以防撞到熟人」,但做了數 個月又覺得很充實。劉振輝也曾找過印刷廠工作,但他苦笑說﹕「可能自己風光時仇家太多,見工時,對方的回覆往往是﹕『輝哥,你咪玩我啦,我點請得起你 呀?』」


「金錢只是數字 夠用便可以」


明報記者 梁偉健

Maximilian Chua-Heng

Thanks for the story.

Being over greedy, arrogant and confident are the surest way to fail.

Any chance he can make a comeback? I wish him well.


劉振輝農曆新年後會到內地工廠上班,展開新一頁。以往遊艇名車唾手可得的他,希望透過自己的經歷,在金融海嘯下呼籲失業人士積極向前看,不要只懂懷緬昔日風光,「過去的便由它過去吧!」 http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/090128/4/aey1.html 億萬富豪「再培訓」再上路 一夜欠債11億 失業4年做掃街 (明報)1月29日 星期四 05:10 【明報專訊】當不少人正憂心金融海嘯第二波何時來襲,一度身家過億的劉振輝顯得雲淡風輕﹕廿多年豪慣嘆慣、渡過多次金融危機,一度坐擁10多間豪宅、名車、遊艇,「差點想買埋飛機」;但2003年一場 SARS 將他重重摔下來,一夜間欠債11億元。失業4年,做過掃街,去年尾,這名「落難富豪」到再培訓局「接受再培訓」。由零開始,先學習發電郵,亦因一封電郵,為他帶來新工作。享受過別人幾世的財富經歷,現年53歲的劉振輝說﹕「金錢只是數字遊戲,人生亦如風浪,到達低點時,定會再 起。」劉振輝從事印刷起家,1978年當學徒,之後開廠,高峰時在內地有5間印刷廠,員工5000人,同時經營紙張買賣。他不諱言於80年代靠炒賣期金及地產,掙得第一桶金,「當時最鍾意買舊樓單位,10幾萬元買入,裝 修一下,20幾萬賣出,都幾好賺……」這名前富豪對自己高峰期有多少身家完全沒有概念,他說﹕「秘書幫我打理一切,她可能清楚過我。」較為可以清楚交代的是﹕曾有10多間豪宅、3輛平治、一艘價值680萬元的遊艇,歌星王菲 也是他的鄰居。歷兩金融風暴 投資豪宅一鋪清劉振輝一直順風順水,公司主攻商品印刷,美心、馬莎百貨都是客戶,他形容「印刷廠生意(好得)好似印銀紙」。他經常到酒店歎茶,與一眾富豪研究「今日炒啲乜」,他笑言﹕「無嘢炒時,炒粟子都得」。言談間,劉振輝充分顯示其自信一面﹕「1982年第一個金融風暴未驚過、97年第二個金融風暴亦未驚過。」可是,「03年的SARS,卻因為太自信,投資的10多個豪宅全軍覆沒,一夜欠債11億元。」2004年,他被銀行申請破產。據法庭紀錄,單是被追討的現金債項已有3000萬元,還未計樓宇按揭欠款。劉振輝坦言﹕「不貪,就不會輸」,但「2002年我深愛的太太離世,對我打擊很大」,加上他的自大性格,不聽別人勸告,皆為他的失敗埋下伏 筆。學打e-mail覓得工作破產後,他想過自殺,但一想到一對子女便打消死念。失業近4年,為了生計,他去年當上掃街工人,「起初會將太陽帽拉低些,以防撞到熟人」,但做了數個月又覺得很充實。劉振輝也曾找過印刷廠工作,但他苦笑說﹕「可能自己風光時仇家太多,見工時,對方的回覆往往是﹕『輝哥,你咪玩我啦,我點請得起你呀?』」破產期間,劉振輝情緒很低落,至最近在朋友介紹下,到再培訓局培訓及就業資源中心碰碰運氣。在學習及搵工的過程中,他發現社會變了,「原來現時搵工是靠e-mail(電郵)的,根本不會有公司地址!」「金錢只是數字 夠用便可以」被人服侍了幾十年,只有中三學歷的劉振輝老老實實地學電腦、學輸入法,別人學1小時,他要學3小時。結果,他的新工作正是透過電郵覓得,過了農曆新年後,他會北上,管理一間有3000多人的內地印刷廠 。回首往事,劉振輝認真地說﹕「金錢只是一堆數字,夠用便可以,最重要朋友、家人在身邊,身體健 康!」

Translation: Chinese » English

刘振辉after the Lunar New Year will go to the Mainland factory work, start a new page. Yacht past cars at your fingertips, he hoped that through their own experience in the financial tsunami, called on the unemployed under the positive forward-looking, not only fond memories of the old scenery, "the past by its past it!"


Billionaire "retraining" the road one night and then 1.1 billion in debt unemployment 4 years to do street sweeping

(Ming Pao Daily News) January 29 Thursday, 5:10

Ming Pao】 When many people are worried about when the second wave of financial tsunami struck, once a net worth of billions of dollars of刘振辉appear云淡风轻: twenty-hao used to sigh used for many years, weathered many financial crises, was sitting on more than 10 Inter-mansion, luxury cars, yachts, "almost want to buy buried aircraft"; but in 2003 he was a SARS heavy fall, a night-time 1.1 billion in debt. 4 years of unemployment, street sweeping done, the end of last year, the "Regal misfortune" to the ERB to "retraining." From zero start learning by e-mail, due to an e-mail, as he brought new jobs.

A few others enjoyed the wealth of the world experience, 53-year-old刘振辉said: "The money is only a numbers game, as well as storms of life to reach the low point, we must be renewed."

刘振辉in the printing started out as an apprentice in 1978, followed by setting up factories and the peak in the mainland to five printing plant, employees 5,000 people, while the sale of operating the paper. He does not deny that in the 80's on gold and real estate speculation, earned first pot of gold, "was the most like to buy old units, 10 to thousands of dollars buying, decoration about 20 to sell tens of thousands, have a few好赚... ... "

The former Regal peak of their number have no concept of family assets, he said: "Secretary of help me take care of everything, she may well have been me." Explain more clearly is this: there have been more than 10 inter-luxury, three Mercedes Benz, a 6.8 million yuan worth of yachts, singer Faye Wong also his neighbors.

Calendar two investment luxury of a financial crisis Shop clearance

刘振辉has been so smooth, the company main commodity printing, Maxim's, Marks & Spencer are all customers, which he described as "printing business (good) as if printed bank notes." He often went to the hotels sigh tea, with a rich study of the public, "Li speculation today what," he笑言: "No kind of speculation, the speculation had粟子."

Conversations, fully demonstrates its confidence刘振辉side: "1982 is not the first shock of the financial turmoil, and 97 in the second month of the financial turmoil has not scared off." However, "in 2003 of SARS, but because of too much self-confidence, investments 10 annihilated more than luxurious night 1.1 billion in debt. "in 2004, he was the bank filed for bankruptcy. According to court records, one is to recover the debt in cash 30 million yuan has not yet accrued mortgage arrears.

刘振辉said frankly: "I do not like, they will not lose," but "in 2002 I'm in love with his wife passed away, dealt a serious blow to me", together with his arrogant personality, did not listen to others advice, all of his failure paving the way.

Learn to fight e-mail to find jobs

After the bankruptcy, he thought about committing suicide, but the thought of a pair of dead children will give up studying. Unemployment nearly 4 years, to make a living, he last year, when workers on the street sweeping, "initially will be more sun hat pulled down to prevent hit acquaintances," but has done a few months, we feel that it is very enriching.刘振辉have looked for printing work, but his smile said: "The scenery may have too much time仇家, see working hours, the other side's response is often:『辉哥, you microphone to play me, I point you please afford you? "

The period of bankruptcy, very low mood刘振辉to a friend recently introduced, to the ERB to training and employment resources center take a chance. In learning and the process of looking, he found that society has changed, "was now looking through e-mail (e-mail), and there is no business address!"

"Money will be able to use only figures"

Has been serving for decades, only three qualifications honestly刘振辉school computers, school input method, people learn 1 hour, he has to learn three hours. The results of his new work is secured by e-mail, after the Lunar New Year, he will go north, management has a more than 3,000 mainland printing.
Looking back,刘振辉seriously said: "The money is only a pile of figures, can be enough, the most important friends and family around and good health!"


"The money is only a pile of figures, can be enough, the most important friends and family around and good health!"

Stupid dumb dumb can only learn up to this level. Give me $100 and I will show him how to help make the world a better place. His billions was used to buy yachts, mercedes benz and most likely pussies.

Money is only a pile of figures with idiots.