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Every Tiong company and every Tiong has the duty to spy for the CCPee.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm surprised this is not even confidential and is openly make known.
Read the full thing here : http://www.gov.cn/flfg/2010-04/30/content_1596420.htm

Annotation 2020-08-22 211311.jpg
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That is what I thought, its like a manifesto or something. All brainwashed at birth, then live in fear the rest of their lives

Byebye Penis

I hate a bad experience with PRC boys in SAF during my last 2 years in ICT. They are scheming and their value systems are different from us.

I will fight side-by-side with my malay bro in my bunk, but not with these scums.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I hate a bad experience with PRC boys in SAF during my last 2 years in ICT. They are scheming and their value systems are different from us.

I will fight side-by-side with my malay bro in my bunk, but not with these scums.
Tiongs are hardwired from young to be selfish, self-centered and self-preserved.
Even if two Tiongs are BFF, they will not hesitate to take advantage of each other.

Byebye Penis

Tiongs are hardwired from young to be selfish, self-centered and self-preserved.
Even if two Tiongs are BFF, they will not hesitate to take advantage of each other.

To us, there are people whom we will never betray in our lives.
To them, lack of integrity is their weakness, work on it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
To us, there are people whom we will never betray in our lives.
To them, lack of integrity is their weakness, work on it.
Tiongs have never been united. That's why Japanese could take over Tiong Cock.
Communist ideology teaches them to betray their friends and family to protect the CCPee, aka 告密举报文化.


I hate a bad experience with PRC boys in SAF during my last 2 years in ICT. They are scheming and their value systems are different from us.

I will fight side-by-side with my malay bro in my bunk, but not with these scums.

this i agree....i came to know one bus driver from china.she went back.due to internal conflict with her china sbs bus driver too.

we still contact each other.she like me.
here is afew conversation i screenshot recently..
she keep asking me to married her becos she find singaporeans more moral.

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Tiongs are hardwired from young to be selfish, self-centered and self-preserved.
Even if two Tiongs are BFF, they will not hesitate to take advantage of each other.

cant agree much.especially the young rich commie son of corrupted officials living in sg....their son serve in our army.very dangerous.wat if they steal our state secret and send back to communist camp in china???

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Byebye Penis

Tiongs have never been united. That's why Japanese could take over Tiong Cock.
Communist ideology teaches them to betray their friends and family to protect the CCPee, aka 告密举报文化.

The truth that omitted from school textbook was that Mao repeatedly leaked information to the Jap to get the KMT soldiers slaughtered.

Byebye Penis

this i agree....i came to know one bus driver from china.she went back.due to internal conflict with her china sbs bus driver too.

we still contact each other.she like me.
here is afew conversation i screenshot recently..
she keep asking me to married her becos she find singaporeans more moral.

She likes you. Please remote her profile picture in the second post.


every ethnic Chinese must swear loyalty to motherland even 5th gen ABC Chinese who came to USA as Coolies.


Call the ISD and have them arrested. We dont allow this kind of communist prattle in Singapore
Call the ISD and have them arrested. We dont allow this kind of communist prattle in Singapore

not easy as our gov like very pro ccp china leh..... !!! and even let the china culture building built right infront of our land ....


i been there once.i can swear to say... is a very secretive building and the people there behave very secretive.i wonder why they allow this centre to build right infront of our land??? and what is the purpose of this building???

i wont be surprise if this building is used as a spy centre for the PLA command centre in communist ruled china.
remember this.... we have our fren USA Navy here.... china communist PLA command centre sure want to spy on their activities and their naval movement...navy personel data....

i am sure and can double confirm... from my instinct.... this place is a communist china spy centre..... !!!
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