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Every cent the CCP make goes back to the people to make life better....


China New city xiong an, and goes to build military arms to fight with the one and only no.1 world enemy, the US...



China New city xiong an, and goes to build military arms to fight with the one and only no.1 world enemy, the US...

Cities are only sustainable when they grow organically. There are so many ghost towns and empty apartment blocks in China because construction does not necessarily correlate with actual demand and instead contingent on speculation from the private sector/state investments. Instead of spending money on vanity projects, the CCP would be better off handing out subsidies to couples who have three or more children to stave off the impending demographic crisis.


Cities are only sustainable when they grow organically. There are so many ghost towns and empty apartment blocks in China because construction does not necessarily correlate with actual demand and instead contingent on speculation from the private sector/state investments. Instead of spending money on vanity projects, the CCP would be better off handing out subsidies to couples who have three or more children to stave off the impending demographic crisis.
Mai gong lanjiao wei.... go do more research or else keep yr big mouth shut, nobody will call u a dumb...