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Evelyn and Leanne have TWO CHEEBYES each





Woman, 37, who was born with TWO vaginas and TWO uteruses opens up about the rare condition, explaining she gets two periods a month and can get pregnant with two babies at the same time by two DIFFERENT men​

  • Leanne Bell, 37, from Arizona, was born with uterus didelphys, an abnormality in which a developing baby girl grows two uteruses instead of one
  • Some women, like Leanne, also have two cervixes and a thin wall of tissue that creates two separate vaginas
  • The TikTok user, who is known as @theladyleanne on the platform, answered some of the most common questions she receives in a video posted this month
  • With double reproductive organs, Leanne explained that she goes through everything other women do, but twice, including monthly menstruation
  • Her periods are not always at the same time, but when they are, she uses two tampons, one for each vagina
  • Leanne explained that she can get pregnant and deliver a baby via cesarean section, but it would be considered a 'high-risk pregnancy'
  • It is also possible for her to get pregnant with two babies in the same month, one in each uterus, and the fathers can be different men, but it is a rare occurrence
PUBLISHED: 20:24 GMT, 12 May 2022 | UPDATED: 20:25 GMT, 12 May 2022

A woman who has two vaginas has opened up about her rare condition, saying she gets two periods and can get pregnant with two children at once — one in each uterus.

Leanne Bell, 37, from Arizona, was born with uterus didelphys, an abnormality in which a developing baby girl grows two uteruses instead of one. Some women, like Leanne, also have two cervixes and a thin wall of tissue that creates two separate vaginas.

The TikTok user, who is known as @theladyleanne on the platform, has been candid about her condition, and in a recent video from earlier this month, she answered some of the most common questions she receives.

'My body is about to blow your mind, in a weird way. Essentially, I was born with extra body parts — extra female body parts,' she said. 'I was born with two vaginas, two uteruses, and two cervixes.'

Leanne Bell, 37, from Arizona, was born with uterus didelphys, a condition in which a baby girl grows two uteruses instead of one. She also has two cervixes and two vaginas
Leanne Bell, 37, from Arizona, was born with uterus didelphys, a condition in which a baby girl grows two uteruses instead of one. She also has two cervixes and two vaginas
The TikTok user, who is known as @theladyleanne on the platform, answered some of the most common questions she receives in a video posted this month

The TikTok user, who is known as @theladyleanne on the platform, answered some of the most common questions she receives in a video posted this month
The TikTok user, who is known as @theladyleanne on the platform, answered some of the most common questions she receives in a video posted this month
With double reproductive organs, Leanne explained that she goes through everything other women do — but twice — including monthly menstruation.

'I have to have my two periods that suck,' she said. 'They're usually at the same time, but sometimes not. I also have to go get two pap smears, which sucks. It’s not comfortable. I wear two tampons, yes. Like I said, whatever one woman does, I do it twice.'

In a previous video, Leanne detailed how painful her periods can be, saying she sought treatment from her gynecologist for severe cramping before she found out she had two uteruses.

'The pain is excruciating. They put me on pain meds, but they made me feel so sick that that didn't end up working,' she recalled, saying she still struggles with agonizing periods.

'The first few days, I am just bedridden and in pain,' she explained. 'I dread that time of the month so much. I know a lot of women do. It's just those few days at the beginning I spend in bed. It just feels like I am wasting my life.'
Leanne said she has incredibly painful periods, and she sought treatment from her gynecologist for severe cramping before she found out she had two uteruses
Leanne said she has incredibly painful periods, and she sought treatment from her gynecologist for severe cramping before she found out she had two uteruses
Leanne shared that she recently started using two tampons at once.

'My whole life I had used one tampon until last year,' she said. 'I was going to a pool. "Let me just try putting one in each." It worked perfectly.'

While she always had to use super plus tampons, she noticed that she can only use the slim or regular ones when she does one on each side.
'A DivaCup is definitely out of the question because, again, there's just not room for two DivaCup,' she added.

Pregnancy was another topic that viewers wanted to know more about, and in her recent Q&A video, she explained that she can have children, but it would be a 'high-risk pregnancy.'
With double reproductive organs, Leanne explained that she goes through everything other women do, but twice, including monthly menstruation
With double reproductive organs, Leanne explained that she goes through everything other women do, but twice, including monthly menstruation
Her periods are not always at the same time, but when they are, she uses two tampons, one for each vagina
Her periods are not always at the same time, but when they are, she uses two tampons, one for each vagina
'It has never worked out for me, and that's okay,' she said. 'It would have to be a C-section. I could essentially get pregnant in both at the same time. A baby in this one, a baby in this one, and it could be by two different men if it was within a week span.'

In another video, she shared that four years ago she had an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus.

'Out of all those uteruses to choose from, that baby decided to grow in my fallopian tube,' she recalled. 'They had emergency surgery, and they took out my fallopian tube and my baby, and that was the end of that.'

However, she noted that women who were born with uterus didelphys can get pregnant and have healthy births.

In another video, Leanne explained she can have children, but it would be a 'high-risk pregnancy.' She had an ectopic pregnancy four years ago that was not viable
In another video, Leanne explained she can have children, but it would be a 'high-risk pregnancy.' She had an ectopic pregnancy four years ago that was not viable
She can also get pregnant with two babies in the same month, one in each uterus, and the fathers can be different men, but it is a rare occurrence
She can also get pregnant with two babies in the same month, one in each uterus, and the fathers can be different men, but it is a rare occurrence

It is also possible for her to get pregnant with two babies in the same month — one in each uterus — and the fathers can be different men, though she insisted that's not a concern for her.

Leanne started online dating eight months ago, and she admitted in one clip that men have been scared off by her condition.

'My new plan has been I'm going to tell these men right away — not right away, but before we meet — so nobody's time is wasted,' she explained. 'And, yeah, I still manage to really freak some man out. Again, I realize this is not for everyone.'
Leanne noted that she is hesitant to give people her Instagram handle because of her videos about uterus didelphys, but she was talking to one guy for a few days and decided to share it with him.

'I was like, "Shoot, he is gonna be able to see on my Instagram about the double vagina thing. I don't want him to find out through there. I better tell him now,"' she recalled.
In the name of educating others, Leanne previously drew a diagram of her two vaginas for curious viewers who wanted to know what they look like compared to a single vagina
In the name of educating others, Leanne previously drew a diagram of her two vaginas for curious viewers who wanted to know what they look like compared to a single vagina
Leanne stared with a drawing of a normal vagina with one cervix and uterus for comparison
Leanne stared with a drawing of a normal vagina with one cervix and uterus for comparison
Her sketch showed how her vaginas looks the same from the outside, but they are separated into two by a wall of tissue down the middle. Each leads to a different cervix and uterus
Her sketch showed how her vaginas looks the same from the outside, but they are separated into two by a wall of tissue down the middle. Each leads to a different cervix and uterus

Leanne dropped the bomb via text message right before he went to bed, and she shared screenshots of the conversation in her video.

After she told him that she was born with two vaginas, he replied: 'I didn't read that.' He then asked if she was 'testing' him or being 'serious.'

'I'm serious... I'm sorry. I feel embarrassed about it,' she texted back. 'A healthy sex life is really important to me if I'm dating someone, and it's important that I be upfront about it.'

Leanne said she 'never heard from him again' after that.

The TikTok user's recent Q&A video has been viewed more than 779,000 times, and commenters had even more questions.
Leanne started online dating eight months ago, and she admitted in one clip that men have been scared off by her condition
Leanne started online dating eight months ago, and she admitted in one clip that men have been scared off by her condition
She recalled how she once texted a guy to tell him that she had two vaginas after giving him her Instagram handle, forgetting that she talks about her condition on the platform
She recalled how she once texted a guy to tell him that she had two vaginas after giving him her Instagram handle, forgetting that she talks about her condition on the platform
At first the guy though she was 'testing' him, but after she explained that she was 'serious,' she said she never heard from him again

At first the guy though she was 'testing' him, but after she explained that she was 'serious,' she said she never heard from him again

At first the guy though she was 'testing' him, but after she explained that she was 'serious,' she said she never heard from him again

'Okay but are the V's side by side? On top of each other? I'm confused as to how that looks,' one person asked, while another added: 'I’m so curious as to what that could possibly look like seriously.

In the name of educating others, Leanne previously drew a diagram of her two vaginas for curious viewers who wanted to know what they look like compared to a single vagina.

Her sketch showed how her vaginas looks the same from the outside, but they are separated into two by a wall of tissue down the middle. Each leads to a different cervix and uterus.

Leanne has received plenty of praise for sharing her story and answering people's questions about her condition.

'Thank you so much for opening up and making people understand a little bit more,' one person wrote, while someone else added: 'I’ve never heard of that! So interesting and you inform with such grace well done.'

Another commented: 'I’m a doctor and this has been incredibly interesting. Thanks for sharing. I’ll know more about this if I ever get a patient with this condition.'

What is uterine didelphys? The medical condition where woman have two cervixes​

A graphic compares what a normal uterus looks like, compared to a woman who has two cervixes and two uteruses
A graphic compares what a normal uterus looks like, compared to a woman who has two cervixes and two uteruses

A double uterus is a rare abnormality that develops when a baby girl is in her mother’s womb.

Every uterus starts out as two small tubes called Mullerian ducts. As they begin to develop, they usually fuse together to form one uterus.
But in rare cases, the tubes remain separate and become two uteri.

Sometimes there is only one cervix for both wombs, other times each womb has a cervix.

Often the vagina in women with a double uterus is divided into two separate openings by a thin membrane.

It’s entirely possible for women with a double uterus to carry a baby to term.
However, the condition does come with an increased risk of miscarriage or premature labor.

It’s quite common for a woman with a double uterus to experience no symptoms whatsoever.

Source: Healthline



What about guys with two kukujiaos?

Meet the man with two perfectly working penises​

by Jayden Collins
July 4, 2022
When Thomas Jefferson penned the term “all men are created equal”, I’m sure he wasn’t expecting this. Meet the man with two penises who isn’t afraid to use the two dicks that were bestowed on him, (it goes without saying that there’s an NSFW tag on this one).

Diphallia affects about one in 5.5 million American men and is caused by irregular homeobox gene expression during the 4th week of pregnancy. The end result? Two penises of course!
man with two penises
Going by the name of DoubleDickDude on Twitter, this bloke certainly hasn’t been shy about the two penis situation going on between his legs. While the condition is often accompanied by other congenital conditions, often causing insuperable defects, DoubleDickDude has used his fully functional fourth-leg to its full capacity. That’s right, the two dicked man called double dick dude has made peace with his 2 dicks and enjoys all kinds of sexcapades!

Although his identity is relatively unknown, the man with 2 penises has amassed quite the presence on social media; including over 73,000 Twitter followers and one of the most popular Ask Me Anything sessions that Reddit has ever seen. DoubleDickDude shared some interesting tidbits during this session, including;
My prostate gets inflamed if I don’t ejaculate enough. I’m probably the only guy with a legit reason to orgasm at least once every day or two days.”

When asked if he has a favourite penis, he also replied, “Yes, the right one. The left one has a grudge against me for it too.” He wasn’t shy about his bedroom adventures either, announcing that he has had sex with over 1000 people and counting. What a double dick legend!
Unexpectedly, the very person who helped reveal me to the world on their Tumblr blog before my Reddit AMA submitted some artwork to me after my call for comic book artists. I was impressed & gave them 24hrs to create something 100% original for me. What does everyone think? pic.twitter.com/mEDSep7Ugq
— Double Dick Dude (@DiphallicDude) January 9, 2020
— Double Dick Dude (@DiphallicDude) January 9, 2020
DoubleDickDude has gone on to release a Kindle #1 best-selling book, Double Header: My Life with Two Penises, that delves into how diphallia has impacted his life. In an interview with BBC Newsbeat, he discussed growing up with his condition, with his parents asking him to keep it private. However, instead of fear of being ridiculed, a young DoubleDickDude had a different mindset.

I didn’t want other guys to be jealous or feel bad that they didn’t have two. It was never put into my head they might hate me because I had two, or they might think I was weird,” he remembered.

If you’ve never seen a diphallic dude before, you’re about to. Now, the moment we know you’ve only been waiting for, and the only reason you clicked onto this article. The internet’s most famous man with 2 dicks. Here he is in all his glory, with his 2 very real dicks:
FYI, I’m only 1″- 1 1/2 inches longer than I used to be. #doubledickdude #fullrecovery pic.twitter.com/7LOy7LNSzV
— Double Dick Dude (@DiphallicDude) April 4, 2014

Reddit Cock stories seem to be an absolute favourite among the internet’s ‘front page’ so here are a few of our favourite moments from Double Dick Dude’s (aka Two Dicked Man) Reddit AMA​

There’s a fair amount of reddit penis out there, but nothing as legendary as the 2 dicked man of course. If you find two penises to be a turn on, you may find his reddit orgasm inducing. For those who haven’t yet graced the hallowed halls of Double Dick Dude’s Reddit, you’re in for a treat. His 2014 Reddit AMA is easily the most successful in the platform’s history and it continues to deliver the goods, time and time again. Lo and behold, the first double dicked penis reddit has ever seen. Here’s a few of our favourite comments.

#8 – The greatest nickname
#7 – Asking the real questions
#6 – Bit too much information
#5 – Oh my…
#4 – Utterly wholesome
#3 – No-one is left behind
#2 – The slap
#1 – Favouritism is a dangerous game
