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Erdogan: Israel will pay price for ‘genocide’, Just as Hitler was stopped by an alliance of humanity, Netanyahu will be stopped in the same way



Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday vowed that Israel would pay a price for the “genocide” in Gaza as he marked the first anniversary of the war in response to the October 7 attack by Hamas.

“It should not be forgotten that Israel will sooner or later pay the price for this genocide that it has been carrying out for a year and is still continuing,” he said on X, formerly Twitter.

A vocal advocate of the Palestinian cause, including Hamas, Erdogan has often attacked Israel, branding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the “butcher of Gaza” and comparing him to Nazi Germany’s Adolf Hitler.

“Just as Hitler was stopped by an alliance of humanity, Netanyahu and his murder network will be stopped in the same way,” Erdogan said.

“A world in which no account is held for the Gaza genocide will never find peace.”


This Turkish is on some kind of drugs.

These Hamas and Palestine is just fucktard. Now all the leaders in of Hamas is all killed. Who dares to take up the leadership posting ?