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End of Boeing?

syed putra


Boeing MAX crash victims seek nearly US$25b fine in US​

Boeing MAX crash victims seek nearly US$25b fine in US

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun acknowledged the gravity of the company’s safety problems and assured a US congressional panel that it was making progress on the issue. — AFP pic
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Thursday, 20 Jun 2024 8:05 AM MYT
WASHINGTON, June 20 — Families of Boeing 737 MAX crash victims yesterday asked US authorities to impose a fine of up to US$24.8 billion (RM116.8 billion) on the aviation giant and proceed with criminal prosecution.

syed putra

The CEO in picture was not in charge during MAX debacle. That was under previous CEO who got a USD80 mil severance package.
The weird thing is, previous CEO was a engineer. Normally engineers would spend more to build the proper plane.


The CEO in picture was not in charge during MAX debacle. That was under previous CEO who got a USD80 mil severance package.
The weird thing is, previous CEO was a engineer. Normally engineers would spend more to build the proper plane.
If you have USD 80m, you will spend your time enjoying Hui girls washing your aeroplane head, not building a proper plane.