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End Covid 19


High Order Twit / Low SES subject


  • how-to-end-the-covid-pandemic 5-20-24.pdf
    734.7 KB · Views: 34


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
On the treatment front, I have great news to share with you. Covid-19 is now a treatable and a curable
disease. Dr. Thomas Borody ( a world- famous infectious diseases specialist) has developed a treatment
protocol that consists of Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Zinc; the protocol is 100% effective ,safe and with
minimal side effects ; the medicines that he uses are readily available, cheap and repurposed for the
treatment of Covid-19. In the USA, Dr. Peter McCullough, a distinguished cardiologist and public health
official in Dallas[ Texas] has published in a peer-reviewed journal an excellent treatment protocol for
the early and outpatient treatment of Covid-19