<TABLE class=msgtable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="96%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=msg vAlign=top><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgbfr1 width="1%"> </TD><TD><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR class=msghead vAlign=top><TD class=msgF width="1%" noWrap align=right>From: </TD><TD class=msgFname width="68%" noWrap>
papbestdad <NOBR></NOBR> </TD><TD class=msgDate width="30%" noWrap align=right>2:26 am </TD></TR><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgT height=20 width="1%" noWrap align=right>To: </TD><TD class=msgTname width="68%" noWrap>
Cloyn <NOBR></NOBR></TD><TD class=msgNum noWrap align=right> (3 of 15) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgleft rowSpan=4 width="1%"> </TD><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right>
25827.3 in reply to
25827.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>No kidding.. that time i happened to sit down in this JB car wash reading my favourite Straits Time Chio Mui Hoong learned article when the poor fellow can squashed against the wall by the camry right in front of me.
last night 3am i was happily walking home from bukit panjang to my house in bukit timah road after a late night shagging session with my chio and sexy fuck buddy when the SxxxxCD sucker sped at above speed limit and cheong against the traffic light. Two poor fellow who walked faster than me got knocked. I was behind them dragging my feet cos cock very tired and pain after shagging 5 times in 3 hours.
two of them seriously injured.
sucker never stop to help but sped off and went on to BEAT another red light and at the same time, knock into another poor man. All 3 men flew for at least 8 metres.
No joke.
K lah gota rest tonight gota visit my fuck buddy again