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Elon wants to know if he should step down as head of Twitter


Alfrescian (Inf)
He is baiting the libtards who are upset that he has hijacked their Twitter echo chamber. :wink:



It's good he has exposed publicly that all these yankee social media tools are infested with bots and used for yankee cia black propaganda.

Russkie tiong iran nowhere in sight in competition. This tells you the massive gap in capabilities between their inteligence agencies.

Even this forum is now run by yankee single digit IQ bots, you don't see or hear singlish anymore, these bots also don't understand singlish, they even react perversely to singlish. why is that?

Yankee bots get hyperactive and try shifting narrative sometimes blaming franco frog eaters, some times blaming poms, sometimes blaming tiongs after having blamed Muslims for all of 20+ years .

I can't for the life of me understand why Iran has not yet exported icbm and nuclear bombs, for example, if Taliban can't pay you cold hard cash that you accept, they can offer you ownership of a lithium mine, you can sign a deal with Taliban, iron-clad contract, 5 year, 10 year, 12 year deal.

security provided by special team of Taliban forces, Iran sends equipment, to explore, to extract raw materials, sets up processing centre, produces refined/processed goods, trains and employs local Afghans, sells these useful products (that require lithium e.g. for batteries) worldwide and make loads of rial, rmb, or ruble.

one condition in this contract must be that any mention of any price, any valuation, any transaction or exchange in yankee dollar by the Afghan side will result in immediate cessation of this contract and seizure of all assets in the mine by the Iranian side, and vice versa, any mention of any price, any valuation, any transaction or exchange in yankee dollar by the Iranian side will result in immediate cessation of this contract and seizure of all assets in the mine by the Afghan side.

All disputes can be resolved in 3rd party Qatari courts which has just recently hosted the world cup, which hosts yankee military base, a tiny turkish military base, hosted Afghan Taliban office, and also established cordial diplomatic ties with Iran.

Win-win-win solution for all 3 parties involved.

If this deal works out well, you can begin exporting ICBM and nuclear bombs to other allied and brotherly countries specially if they are anti yankee, anti western, anti kuffar devilish rats who have proven repeatedly to be kafir rats.




BREAKING - Election experts warn it could take up to three weeks to tally the votes of Musk’s poll.