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Elon Musk full of praise for Xi land


of course wad.... 1 wrong word you say that winnie don't like, your business in chyna consider uplorry liao....


He very smart, now sucking Xitler's willy.

In general, whole cina market is his oyster now.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Praise or have his Tesla factories confiscated.

Classic case of being held hostage.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jack ma should have built EV's instead of just online retail.
jack should have could have would have sucked xia xuay xi’s cock to remain the wealthiest and most successful entrepreneur in prc with ant going pubic and alibaba still under his ceoship. just pretend to stroke xi’s ego. don’t need to show poker hand. this sexactly what musk is doing: playing poker, bluffing his way, and not giving away easy tells.


Still smarter than the CAQ here lah. First sucked a black man's dick, now suck a dying man's shrivelled head. Always sucking the wrong end of the stick. But what can you expect, when you are married to the champion of buy-high-sell-low. A real amalgamation of loser's genes


jack should have could have would have sucked xia xuay xi’s cock to remain the wealthiest and most successful entrepreneur in prc with ant going pubic and alibaba still under his ceoship. just pretend to stroke xi’s ego. don’t need to show poker hand. this sexactly what musk is doing: playing poker, bluffing his way, and not giving away easy tells.
Mother fucker mai gong lanjiao wei


Old Fart
Via giga shanghai, Musk has helped the commies by leaps and bounds in their own home-made EVs. One can easily imagine the amount of tech that's being stolen. I am sure xpeng is not the only company which did that.

syed putra

Via giga shanghai, Musk has helped the commies by leaps and bounds in their own home-made EVs. One can easily imagine the amount of tech that's being stolen. I am sure xpeng is not the only company which did that.
Most of the lithium ion and now sodium ion batteries ae made in china. China provincial gomen will either invest or get banks to lend money to promising start ups to boost their gdp as per Central gomen requirements. Either that or build more ghost cities. Hence the multiple similar businesses rivaling one another from various province mostly in new energy such as solar or wind turbines, car manufacturing or batteries.


Via giga shanghai, Musk has helped the commies by leaps and bounds in their own home-made EVs. One can easily imagine the amount of tech that's being stolen. I am sure xpeng is not the only company which did that.
Yes, Musk will have to eat his own shit eventually. Xpeng, Nio and Geely's Zeekr are amongst the many hot rivals to Tesla and even cheaper. Once they are well accepted by their domestic consumers, Tesla is going to eat shit or will have to lower their prices tremendously in order to survive.

Just watch for this to happen within the next 2 years' time. By then, Musk will have to humbly come back to beg the Americans to buy his cars.

Why Elon Musk Is Fooled By Beijing:

Musk is also a traitor. There are rumors that he may allow his Starlink satellites to be used by the CCP for spying.
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Pui kia mai gong lanjiao wei

hahahahaha 中共乡巴佬、流氓政府、中共土匪


Smart people don't fight with government.

Stupid to fight the government alone when even the USA and Western Europe does nothing.