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Elderly man taunts woman while demanding seat in train



An elderly man taunted and rebuked a woman in a train carriage in Beijing, for not giving up her seat to him after he demanded it. The man also physically provoked the passenger, threatening to report her to police.


It's quite clear that the old man was using the seat as a pretext to molest the woman.

If you transform this episode to Internet, old man would claim the young lady was a clone of somebody he knew, and would proceed to attack the lady. The whole idea is to invite the lady to retaliate. If there is no retaliation, there can be no interaction.

The old man needs attention but he is not getting any because he is not likeable. People who are not likeable often resort to taunting and inviting retaliation.

syed putra

It's quite clear that the old man was using the seat as a pretext to molest the woman.

If you transform this episode to Internet, old man would claim the young lady was a clone of somebody he knew, and would proceed to attack the lady. The whole idea is to invite the lady to retaliate. If there is no retaliation, there can be no interaction.

The old man needs attention but he is not getting any because he is not likeable. People who are not likeable often resort to taunting and inviting retaliation.
My thoughts exactly.

syed putra

How could china ever become a 1st world country when commie chinks are so uncouth? They also spit, shit and pee everywhere. Yucky country, yucky people.
Malays witnessed all these hundreds of years ago and created a Gaza strip just for them On a island to prevent entire archipelago from being dragged down.



An elderly man taunted and rebuked a woman in a train carriage in Beijing, for not giving up her seat to him after he demanded it. The man also physically provoked the passenger, threatening to report her to police.
Cb kia, chicken behaviour
  • Haha
Reactions: cat


Sounds good. Why is smrt not doing? Give privileges to old, young & pregnant.
If MRT creates an exclusive car for old farts, then all the seats in the old fart car belong to old farts. The young and viral ones should not be allowed to enter the car. Likewise, if the old farts choose to enter the non-old fart car, then they will not have any privilege and must not complain if nobody offers a seat to them.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If MRT creates an exclusive car for old farts, then all the seats in the old fart car belong to old farts. The young and viral ones should not be allowed to enter the car. Likewise, if the old farts choose to enter the non-old fart car, then they will not have any privilege and must not complain if nobody offers a seat to them.
like that sure fight among old farts for a seat. 69 year old punches 96 year old.


like that sure fight among old farts for a seat. 69 year old punches 96 year old.
The old farts will not stay in the Merdeka carriage because it's like a mobile cemetery.

The old farts need to sniff young pussies, and soon people will realize that it's not about seats.

The old farts need to stay relevant after losing their jobs, and MRT is the best place to sniff young pussies.

Picking up quarrels is a sure sign of one's desire to stay relevant knowing that the society has already discarded you.